价格 | 199.00元 |
区域 | 广东省 - 潮州市 |
来源 | 马可波罗卫浴(中国)集团有限公司 |
广东工程卫浴,工程马桶,工程坐便器大促销广东便宜蹲便,广东便宜水槽,广东便宜拖布池,便宜柱盆,便宜马桶,便宜洗脸盆工程小便器,柱盆,工程马桶,工程座便器,草绳洗脸盆马可波罗卫浴工程用卫浴大促销活动开始了,工程马桶低至199元oppie 本企业生产的陶瓷卫生洁具产品均符合国家标准GB6952-2005,经权威机构检验:产品无放射性达到环保要求,依照ISO9001:2000国际 质量认证体系进行管理。高品质的生产,良好的售后服务,严格的市场保护以及完善的营销网络,是本公司的经营宗旨。我们以独特的眼光 ,超前的意识,实施战略,开拓了具有特色品牌之路,产品畅销国内各大中城市并出口东南亚,欧美等地区。新世纪的我们将以“铸造 优质洁具,服务千家万户”为理念,致力为人类生活营造更加舒适卫浴空间。 Our company produces the ceramic health sanitary ware products which comforms to national standard GB6952-2005,examined by the authoritative organization without the radioactivity toachieve the environmental protection request , carries on the management according to the ISO9001:2000 international quality authentication system. The high quality production,the good service after sold,the strict market protectionas well as the consummation marketing network,are our companys management objective.We develop a road of the characteristic brand by our unique judgement,in advance consiousness.the implementation name brand strategy,and the products sell well in domestic major and medium city and export to SoutheastAsia,Occident and so on. We by "the casting high quality sanitary wares,service every family"as the idea,devoted to the live for the humanity builds the more comfortable health bath space in new century.优质低价大量供应工程用马桶 工程马桶 工程坐便器 工程用便宜卫浴等,量大价更优主要适合学校、工厂、医院、农村改造、廉租房、出租房等量大卫浴需求者力浪卫浴竭诚为你提供你需要的洁具
联系人 | 蔡先生总经理 |