价格 | 面议 |
品牌 | 奥托尼克斯 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 高新区枫桥杰亦洋机电设备经营部 |
* 浪涌保护功能
* 电源反接保护功能(直流3线型)
* 长寿命和高可靠性
* 红色LED指示灯检查动作状态
* 运用广泛,可以替代小型开关和限位开关
* 在电源12-24VDC,100-240VAC的范围内,可以驱动200mA以内的负载(阻抗负载)
* IP67防水结构(IEC规格)*Shorten the time of maintenance by changing the body
*Improve the noise resistance by adopting dedicated IC
(DC 3-wire type)
*Built-in protection circuit of reverse power polarity(DC)
*Built-in surge protection circuit(DC/AC) except for PS12 type
*Long life span, high reliability with simple operation
*Available to check the status of operation by Red LED
*Waterproof structure by IP67(IEC standard)
*Wide range of applications for replacement of micro
switch, limit switch
联系人 | 黄杰彬 |