价格 | 面议 |
品牌 | 泰克 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 东莞市塘厦思迈电子仪器经营部 |
示波器组件收购 差分探头| P6248 《东莞市思迈电子仪器》为防止贵公司仪器设备存放贬值,资金挤压;特提供现金回收二手仪器仪表如:示波器 频谱分析仪 网络分析仪 综合测试仪 信号源 电源 万用表 功率计 电子负载 天馈线分析仪 功率计 功率探头LCR电桥表,GPIB卡等……。 如果您手上有闲置的二手仪器可随时联系我们,我们会以市场高价回收利用。 TEL:13539016670,Q_Q号:593433036 ---------------- 东莞市思迈电子仪器有限公司 金 山(经 理):13537833293 李英 (助 理):13539016670 在线客服QQ:<二手仪器专业买卖> Q-Q:307435431 Q-Q:2710250279 阿里旺旺:jinshan102466 广东省东莞市塘厦科苑城信息产业园新苑南路48号 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 差分探头| P6248 差分探头| P6248差分探头| P6248差分探头| P6248 Features & Benefits P6248 1.7 GHz (Typical Probe Only ≤27 ?C) 1X Mode 1.5 GHz Bandwidth (Guaranteed) 1.85 GHz (Typical Probe Only ≤27 ?C) 10X Mode P6247 >1.0 GHz Bandwidth (Guaranteed) P6246 400 MHz Bandwidth (Guaranteed) General Low Input Capacitance: <1 pF Differential Probe Input Connector: Two Standard 0.025 in./0.63 mm (0.1 in. Center) Square Pin Receptacle (Female) Electrostatic Discharge Tolerant (IEC 801-2) Connects to TekProbe? BNC Interface on TDS Series Oscilloscopes or Other Instruments using 1103 TekProbe? Power Supply For use with Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers, or Network Analyzers >60 dB (1000:1) Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) Small Probe Head Allows Easy Probing of SMDs Applications Communications (Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE-1394, Fibre Channel) Semiconductor Characterization (RAMBUS) Disk Drive Read Channel Design Communication Pulse Shape Compliance Jitter, Crosstalk, and BERT Measurements Location of Ground Bounce The P6246, P6247, and P6248 Differential Probes The P6248, P6247, and P6246 enable users to make time-domain or frequency-domain measurements on high-bandwidth signals commonly found in disk drive, digital IC design (RAMBUS), and communication applications (Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE-1394 Firewire, and Fibre Channel). The P6248 includes accessories that allow RAMBUS via probing and IEEE-1394 interconnect access. The small probe head geometry and assorted probe tip accessories allow these probes to easily accommodate manual probing of surface-mount devices while maintaining high CMRR. The P6246, P6247, and P6248 are ideal for design verification of disk drive read, channel electronics, and timing analysis for troubleshooting ground-bounce problems associated with high-speed logic. They can also be used for pulse shape or crosstalk compliance testing of high-speed communication signals
联系人 | 段海英 |