价格 | 10000.00元 |
品牌 | 美国AMETEK |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 福建双环能源科技股份有限公司 |
美国AMETEK氧化锆加热棒 联系电话:0595-28767716.(小林)手机17750801197QQ:2851519523 邮箱:2851519523@qq.com 阿美特克氧化锆加热棒Welc o me to c o me to consult, negotiate! I take the goods directly from the foreign countries to take the original import. 阿美特克有限公司是全球領先的電子儀器和電動機製造商、年銷售額近11億美元。 AMETEK Company Limited is a manufacturer of electronic instruments and motor, the world‘s leading annual sales of nearly $1100000000. 公司擁有約8000名員工、在美國和其它18個國家設有工廠和營運部門。 The c o mpany has about 8000 employees, in the United States and 18 other countries with factories and operating departments. 阿美特克包括兩個營運集團 AMETEK includes t w o working group editor 電子儀器製造–生產先進的監視、測試、校準、量測和顯示儀器的一流製造商、產品銷往世界各地的加工、航空航太、能源和工業市場。 Electronic equipment manufacturing - advanced monitoring, testing, calibration, measurement and display of the first-class manufacturers, products are sold all over the world processing, aerospace, energy and industrial markets. 電動機械製造–是業內生產氣動電動機的世界大的製造商、而且是航空航太、大量客運、商用機器、醫療和電腦市場上生產無刷氣動馬達的領先者。 Electric machinery manufacturing - the world‘s largest manufacturer of pneumatic motors in the industry, and is a leader in the production of air and space, a large number of passenger and c o mmercial machines, medical and c o mputer markets. 阿美特克的公司成長計畫立足於四個覈心戰畧:精心運作、戰畧收購和聯盟、拓展全球市場和新產品開發。 AMETEK corporate growth plan is based on four core strategy: careful operation, strategic acquisitions and alliances, expand the global market and development of new products. 目標是使每股盈利達到兩位數的年增長率和較高的總資本回報率。 The goal is to make the annual growth rate of t w o digit earnings per share and higher total capital return rate. 阿美特克DE公司 AMETEK DE edit 阿美特克DE公司(AMETEK-Drexelbrook)是舉世聞名的物比特、液位測量科技領域裏的行業先鋒。我們有40多年的豐富經驗,能够為各個行業提供物比特、液位測量的解決方案。我們的產品被廣泛應用於石油、化工、電力、水利、食品、醫藥、造紙、採礦、汽車等眾多行業。 World-famous bit, liquid level measurement in the field of science and technology in the industry pioneer AMETEK de c o mpany (AMETEK-Drexelbrook). We have more than 40 years rich experience, can provide a bit, liquid level measurement solutions for various industries. Our product is widely used in petroleum, chemical, electric power, water conservancy, food, medicine, papermaking, mining, automotive and other industries. 我們的威望得益於我們獨道地將工業應用科技、創新的產品設計與多種量測科技融為一體。阿美特克DE公司開拓並繼續發展射頻導納液位裝置。今天,我們還提供高水准的超聲波式、磁致伸縮式、靜壓式、雷達式和導波雷達式液位裝置。全面的產品系列使得我們能够為客戶提供佳的液位或流量測量方案,無論是基本的工業應用領域還是複雜的應用領域。 Our prestige due to our only tunnel will the industrial application of science and technology, innovative product design and a variety of measurement technology integration. AMETEK, Inc. de develop and continue to develop RF admittance level device. Today, we also provide a high level of ultrasonic, magn e tostrictive, hydrostatic, radar and guide wave radar liquid level device. A c o mprehensive range of products allows us to provide customers with the best level or flow measurement scheme, whether it is the most basic industrial application areas are still the most c o mplex applications. 阿美特克JOFRA公司 AMETEK JOFRA edit 在科技方面和商業領域,阿美特克校準儀器(JOFRA)均是世界領先的溫度、壓力、過程訊號校準儀以及溫度感測器的生產和研發廠家之一.阿美特克校準儀器部在美國和丹麥分別設有工廠,專業生產和銷售系列JOFRA壓力校準儀、幹體式溫度校準儀,電信號校準儀等,應用於工業現場以及實驗室,是世界知名的校準儀器專業生產廠家。發明了世界上臺幹體式溫度校準儀。 In science and technology and c o mmercial fields, AMETEK calibration instruments (jofra) is the world‘s leading temperature, pressure and process calibrator signal and temperature measuring device of production research and development of one of the manufacturers. AMETEK calibration instruments in the USA and Denmark are respectively provided with a factory, professional production and sales series jofra pressure calibrator, dry type temperature calibrator, signal calibration instrument, used in industrial field and laboratory is the world well-known professional manufacturer of instrument calibration. The invention of the world first dry type temperature calibrator. 阿美特克校準儀器90年代初進入中國市場,經過多年發展,在國內銷售了幾千臺設備,在發電廠,供電系統,石化,冶金,計量,航太航空,船舶,食品,製藥等很多行業,擁有數以千計的用戶,成為中國市場的知名品牌。 AMETEK calibration instruments in the early 1990s to enter the Chinese market, after years of development, in the domestic sold thousands of pieces of equipment, in the power plant, power supply system, petrochemical, metallurgical, measurement, aerospace, shipbuilding, food, pharmaceutical industry and many other industries, thousands of users have bec o me well-known brands in the Chinese market. AMETEK阿美特克74422SE AMETEK 74422SE AMETEK AMETEK射频导纳液位计UP010620B1 AMETEK radio frequency admittance liquid level gauge UP010620B1 AMETEK镉灯300-2070 AMETEK 300-2070 cadmium lamp AMETEK 氧化锆头71063SE AMETEK zirconia head 71063SE AMETEK阿美特克过滤组件100-1848 AMETEK 100-1848 AMETEK filter assembly AMETEK阿美特克滤芯300-6217 AMETEK AMETEK filter 300-6217 AMETEK 阿美特克氧化锆WDG1210/Insitu 72" AMETEK o Emmett WDG1210/Insitu "72 grams of zirconia AMETEK阿美特克露点仪3050 AMETEK 3050 AMETEK dew point meter AMETEK阿美特克气体分析仪Thermox-CMFA-P2000 AMETEK Thermox-CMFA-P2000 AMETEK gas analyzer AMETEK阿美特克500124901 AMETEK AMETEK 500124901 AMETEK阿美特克硫磺比值仪 光源电源 880107902S AMETEK AMETEK instrument power source sulfur ratio 880107902S 阿美特克硫磺比值仪 光源触发器 880118901 AMETEK instrument source trigger sulfur ratio 880118901 AMETEK阿美特克线性传感器P-10A-10KA238 AMETEK AMETEK linear sensor P-10A-10KA238 本公司还供应上述产品的同类产品:AMETEK,阿美特克,氧化锆
联系人 | 林一郎 |