首页 香精 供应纽甜(Neotame),CAS No:165450-17-9,厂家直销,价格优惠|张0275

供应纽甜(Neotame),CAS No:165450-17-9,厂家直销,价格优惠|张0275

发布时间 2016-07-03 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 湖北省 - 武汉市
来源 武汉远成共创科技有限公司销售十一部


纽甜(Neotame)    价格:369.6    包装价化学名称:N-[N-(3,3-二甲基丁基)-L-α- 天门冬氨酰]-L-苯丙氨酸1-甲酯。该产品目前国产产品价格相对低廉。质量也较稳定。其他名称:N-[N-(3,3-二甲基丁基)-L-Α-天门冬氨酰]-L-苯丙氨酸1-甲酯;N-[N-(3,3-二甲基丁基)-L-ALPHA-天门冬氨酰]-L-苯丙氨酸 1-甲酯英文名称:neotame.CAS No:165450-17-9CNS 号:19.019INS 号:961分子式:C20H30N2O5分子量:378.46性状:白色结晶粉末水份:含约4.5%的结晶水熔点:80.9-83.4℃比旋光度:-39.8°。溶解性:纽甜在常温(25℃)下水中的溶解度为12.6克/升,此溶解度能完全满足正常的生产需要。甜度:约为蔗糖的8000-12000倍,阿斯巴甜的40倍以上!纽甜的甜味与阿斯巴甜相近,无苦味及其它后味,纽甜的甜度为蔗糖的8000-10000倍,即在5%的甜度时为蔗糖的8000倍,在2%的甜度时可达蔗糖的10000倍。根据GB2760-2011食品添加剂卫生标准,(提供者:张乐安).纽甜的使用范围为各类食品饮料,使用量为按生产需要适量使用。一般饮料类8-17mg/L,食品类10-35mg/Kg。作为一种功能性甜味剂(Functional Sweeteners),纽甜对人体健康无不良影响,起有益的调节或促进作用。早在1998年12月纽甜作为食品甜味剂低温的申请已在美国提出。已于2002年7月9日通过美国FDA食品添加物审核允许应用在所有食品及饮料。欧盟于2010年1月12日正式批准其应用,其指定代码为E961。中华人民共和国卫生部2003年第4号公告也正式批准纽甜为新的食品添加剂品种,适用各类食品生产。1、在水果罐头中的应用减少糖浆总体比重,从而降低水果上浮的现象,无须添加更多的水果。在GB2760中,允许可使用在罐头产品的甜味剂。纽甜在罐头产品热处理过程中,呈现良好的稳定性。替代40%-50%蔗糖,降低产品成本。产品保质期为12-24个月。风味:甜桔,杨梅,枇杷,荔枝,菠萝,龙眼。建议甜度倍数:6500-7000。2、在凉果中的应用纽甜的使用建议:⑴纽甜的用量(相对蔗糖甜度计算)占总甜度的30%左右。可以和砂糖,阿斯巴甜,甜菊糖,甜蜜素等甜味剂复合使用。⑵纽甜在话梅中使用的倍数大约为6500-7000倍,其他酸度没那么高的凉果中,可以用到7500倍以上。⑶可以适当减少酸的用量,如果无须额外加酸,可以尽可能在洗果胚的时候,退去更多的酸,从而平衡甜酸比。3、在各类饮料中应用⑴碳酸饮料:纽甜在可乐型碳酸饮料中能持续作用16个星期。与市场上销售的低能量碳酸饮料的保质期一致。它还可以用于柠檬汽水中。⑵非碳酸饮料:纽甜可用于热灌装柠檬茶、固体粉末状饮料、酸奶等食品中,而且在这些食品中性状都非常稳定且品质良好。⑶固体饮料:以30%的比例部分替代砂糖,在不改变原有全糖配方口感的基础上,可尽可能地减少成本;取代配方中阿斯巴甜,标签无须标明含苯丙氨酸;与糖粉或其他粉体添加剂以1-2%的比例预混合:试验表明浓缩的纽甜预混料能够适当的分散并吸附在载体表面;在固体饮料的生产中,先预混微量的原料如色素,香料是非常普通的,所以纽甜使用也只是附加很简单的一个过程;同时混合色素和纽甜于砂糖中可以用视觉来观察预混料,保证充分混合;混合时间必须充分保证分散,但必须控制时间减少粉末飞扬。4、在乳品饮料中的应用产品本身的固形物比较丰富,即使使用甜味剂可能损失很小的产品稠度,但可通过乳制品的稳定剂来补充;PH为4.0-4.5是适合纽甜稳定性;纽甜在发酵过程相对稳定;用纽甜替代这些产品中部分蔗糖,减少了热量,同时潜在地增加了营养价值(牛奶取代了蔗糖的体积)。结果就是一个更健康的消费品。甜味剂建议配比替代20-30%替代30-50%替代50-70% 替代100%纽甜纽甜/安赛蜜纽甜/安赛蜜阿斯巴甜/安赛蜜/纽甜或纽甜/三氯蔗糖100% 60%/40% 40%/60%40%/30%/30%或30%/70%5、在果冻中的应用国际对果冻低固型物的要求是≥15,而往往果冻的甜度要达到18-22个甜度,口感佳;因此超出15个糖度的那部分糖度可以使用甜味剂调整口感,举列:使用纽甜替代3个糖度,实际使用量为:3÷8000×100%=0.03755(w/w);产品口感清甜纯正,并可以降低产品的总成本。6、在焙烤食品中应用可以±30%部分替代砂糖,制成低糖产品,成本更低;与糖醇类混配使用,制成无糖产品,健康概念;纽甜在烘焙食品中呈现满意的风味和组织特性,具有良好的稳定性;填充物:麦麸,小麦纤维,麦芽糖醇,麦芽糊精。7、在口香糖中应用应用方法:在原有配方基础上,额外添加纽甜,建议用量:糖衣:15ppm,胶基:40ppm如需平衡成本可将口香糖的重量减少7-8%。应用优势:有更长的甜味延迟,满足了其延长甜度的需要。产品的甜度和薄荷风味是相关联的,只要甜味持续存在,薄荷风味就会同时持续呈现。由于纽甜具有增强风味的特性,可以减少薄荷口香糖的香精用量。添加方法建议:用丙二醇作为溶剂-饱和溶解度为20%;用甘油作为溶剂-饱和溶解度为10%;与糖粉或其他粉体添加剂以1-2%的比列预混合。­­ 注意:不建议直接使用香精作为溶剂。8、在餐桌甜味剂中应用因为纽甜没有吸湿性,能量又低,十分适合作为餐桌甜味剂.经研究表明,纽甜在作为餐桌甜味时至少可以储存156个星期。9、在淀粉类食品中应用在淀粉类食品中添加纽甜可以抑制淀粉老化,延长食品保质期;在鸡蛋、鱼类等蛋白质丰富的食品中添加则可抑制蛋白质变性,保持食品良好口感。10、在医药领域中应用纽甜作为甜味剂用于医药中,只是起到修饰口感的作用,不影响药效。较长时间的后甜可掩盖医药中的苦味,或维生素等物质的异味;用量小,不会增大药片的体积;用于口服液中,相比使用蔗糖的口感更清晰。11、在牙膏、化妆品中应用用纽甜作牙膏和漱口液的增甜剂,能有效保持产品的凉爽特性。纽甜同样可用于口红、唇膏及洗浴润肤等化妆品。12、在香烟过滤嘴中应用香烟过滤嘴的甜感技术瓶颈,就是甜感持续太短,无法维持甜味到香烟吸完,纽甜的后甜特性很好的解决了这个难题。13、在动物饲料中应用能有效地遮蔽糖精的后苦,提高饲料的适口性。牲畜的日食量是决定牲畜生长速度的主要因素,特别是仔猪、乳猪日采食量,影响了牲畜整个的生长过程,因此改善饲料的适口性,来增加他们的日采食量,从而加速牲畜的生长速度。牲畜,尤其是幼猪、乳猪的味觉比人类更敏感。纽甜以下特征,可弥补和改善饲料甜味剂:纯净的甜味,没有苦、涩、金属的异味;较长的后甜可掩盖糖精的苦味和金属味,改善饲料的口感特性,掩盖异味;与糖精14-24%协同增效作用,以0.05-0.1%添加量用于低档饲料,以0.15-0.25%添加量用于中档饲料,以0.3%以上添加量用于高档饲料。14、在其他产品中应用与阿斯巴甜不同,纽甜可以与某些还原糖共同使用,如葡萄糖,果糖,乳糖等。Solubility: Neotame at room temperature (25 ℃) water solubility of 12.6 g / l, the solubility can fully meet the needs of normal production.Sweetness: 8000-12000 times about sucrose, aspartame than 40 times!Neotame is similar sweetness with aspartame, no bitter aftertaste, and other, neotame sweetness of sucrose 8000-10000 times, that is, when 5% of the sweetness of 8000 times that of sucrose in 2% when up to 10,000 times the sweetness of sucrose. According to GB2760-2011 Food additive hygiene standards (Contributors: Zhang Lean). Neotame range for all types of food and drink, according to production needs for the usage of appropriate use. General Drinks 8-17mg / L, food 10-35mg/Kg.As a functional sweetener (Functional Sweeteners), neotame no adverse effects on human health, regulation, or play a useful role in promoting. Have been proposed in the United States as early as December 1998 as a food sweetener Neotame cryogenic applications. Was July 9, 2002 audit by the U.S. FDA food additives permitted in all food and beverage. EU on January 12, 2010 formally approved their application, which specifies the code for the E961. Peoples Republic of China Ministry of Health Bulletin No. 4 of 2003 also formally approved Neotame is a new breed of food additives for all types of food production.1, in the canned fruitThe overall reduction in the proportion of syrup to reduce the phenomenon of floating fruit, without adding more fruit. In GB2760, the only permitted to use the sweetener in canned products. Neotame in canned products during heat treatment, showing good stability. Replace 40% -50% sucrose, reduce product cost. Product shelf life of 12-24 months. Flavor: sweet orange, red bayberry, loquat, lychee, pineapple, longan. Recommended sweetness multiples :6500-7000.2, application of preserved fruitsNeotame recommendations: ⑴ Neotame amount (calculated relative sweetness of sucrose) about 30% of the total sweetness. Can and sugar, aspartame, stevia, sweeteners such as cyclamate complex to use. ⑵ Neotame plum multiples used in about 6500-7000 times, others not so high acidity of preserved fruits, and can be used more than 7500 times. ⑶ may be appropriate to reduce the amount of acid, if no additional add acid, you can wash the fruit as possible in the embryo, when receded more acid to balance the sweet and sour ratio.3, used in various types of beverages⑴ carbonated drinks: Neotame in cola carbonated drinks can last for 16 weeks. Is consistent with the low energy market shelf life of carbonated beverages. It can also be used in the lemonade.⑵ non-carbonated drinks: Neotame can be used for hot filling lemon tea, solid powdered drinks, yogurt and other foods, and traits are very stable and good quality in these foods.⑶ solid beverage: the proportion of 30% partial replacement of sugar, the sugar in the recipe without changing the original taste of the whole on the basis of the cost can be reduced as much as possible; replace aspartame formula, labels do not indicate phenylalanine; powder with powdered sugar or other additives to the proportion of 1-2% pre-mixed: tests showed Neotame concentrated premix can be properly dispersed and adsorbed on the support surface; solid beverage production, the first trace of premixed materials such as colors, flavors are very common, so the only additional neotame using a very simple process; while mixing pigments and neotame can be observed visually in the premix sugar, and ensure adequate mixing; mixing time must be fully guaranteed dispersed However, the time must be controlled to reduce the powder flying.4, the application in dairy drinksRich solid product itself, even with the possible loss of a small sweetener product consistency, but can be supplemented by dairy stabilizer; PH 4.0-4.5 Neotame stability is the most suitable; neotame in the fermentation process stable; partially replace sugar with neotame these products to reduce the heat, while potentially increasing the nutritional value of (volume of milk substituted sucrose). The result is a healthier consumer goods.Sweetener recommended ratioReplace 20-30%Replace 30-50%Alternative Alternative 50-70% to 100%NeotameNeotame / acesulfameNeotame / acesulfameAspartame / acesulfame / or Neotame Neotame / sucralose100% 60% / 40% 40% / 60%40% / 30% / 30% or 30% / 70%5, the application of the jellyInternational jelly lowest solid content requirement is ≥ 15, and often jelly sweetness to reach 18-22 sweetness, taste the best; therefore exceed that part of the Brix 15 Brix sweeteners can be used to adjust the taste, for columns: use substitute 3 neotame sugar content, the actual amount of: 3 ÷ 8000 × 100% = 0.03755 (w / w); product taste sweet and pure, and can reduce the total cost of the product.6, used in bakery± 30% can be a partial substitute for sugar, made ??from sugar products, lower costs; sugar alcohols mixed use, made ??of sugar-free products, the concept of health; neotame presented a satisfactory flavor and organizational characteristics in baked foods, with good stability; filler: wheat bran, wheat fiber, maltitol, maltodextrin.7, used in chewing gumApplication Methods: Based on the original recipe, add additional neotame, Recommended dosage: icing: 15ppm, gum base: 40ppmFor the balance of costs can be reduced 7-8% by weight of the chewing gum.Application advantages: a longer delay sweetness to meet the needs of its extended sweetness. Sweetness and flavor of the product is associated with menthol, long persistence sweet mint flavor will be present while continuing. Because neotame with enhanced flavor characteristics, can reduce the amount of mint flavor chewing gum.Add Method Summary: propylene glycol as a solvent -

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