首页 香精 供应辛弗林,CAS:94-07-5,厂家直销,价格优惠|张02750756060


发布时间 2016-07-03 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 湖北省 - 武汉市
来源 武汉远成共创科技有限公司销售十一部


辛弗林产地生源:野生于四川、江西、浙江等地。采收时间:5~6月间摘取,晒干,或横切成两半,晒干。有效成分:辛弗林 SynephrineCAS:94-07-5英文名称:synephrine别名:辛弗宁,对羟福林,辛内福林,交感醇,脱氧肾上腺素熔点及溶解度:184℃-185℃,盐酸盐结晶熔点151~152℃,易溶于水;重酒石酸盐熔点188~189℃,易溶于水,难溶于乙醇,几乎不溶于 、 包装:按客户需要标准:企业内控标准单价:1400/kg          辛弗林盐酸盐 1200/kg(1kg起订)SynephrineBiogenic origin: the wild in Sichuan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other places.Harvest Time: 5 to 6 months between removal, dried, or cross in half and dried.Active ingredients: Synephrine SynephrineCAS: 94-07-5English name: synephrineAlias: Xin Funing, hydroxyl forint, Xinneifulin, sympathetic alcohol, synephrineMelting point and solubility: 184 ℃ -185 ℃, hydrochloride crystalline melting point 151 ~ 152 ℃, soluble in water; bitartrate melting point of 188 ~ 189 ℃, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol, almost insoluble in chloroform, etherMolecular formula and molecular weight: C9H13NO2; 167.20 [1] synephrine Included in the three Scandinavian Pharmacopoeia and German pharmacopoeia. Adrenergic receptor agonists for ɑ- of heart -? Receptors have some stimulant. Synephrine contraction of blood vessels, resulting in increased blood pressure effect. Synephrine has a strong expansion of the role of the trachea and bronchi. Intravenous injection can be completely anesthetized cats against histamine-induced bronchoconstriction, there are also the role of guinea pig isolated trachea. Synephrine clinic for the treatment of bronchial asthma and surgery and anesthesia, hypotension, collapse and shock, orthostatic hypotension. Synephrine is a natural stimulant in the 21st century, without any side effects and positive reaction, widely used in pharmaceutical, food, beverage and other health care industry, with the banned chemical synthetic drugs, synephrine demand and value will be doubled.Specifications: 98% or morePacking: according to customer needsStandard: enterprise internal control standardsPrice: 1400 / kg synephrine hydrochloride 1200 / kg (1kg Order)

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