价格 | 面议 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 北京欧氏运动木地板厂家 |
结构说明 油漆:紫外线光固化UV漆/体育地板专用水性漆System specification Ultraviolet light curing UV paint / sports floor special water-based paint ●面层地板:枫木、柞木等硬木 ●The surface layer of floor: Maple, oak and other hardwoods ●毛地板:落叶松耐水胶合板 ●Mao: larch plywood floor water ●防潮隔离层 ●主龙骨:落叶松 ●Moisture barrier layer ●The main keel: Larch ●胶垫:15mm厚弹性胶垫,我公司专利产品 ●Pad: 15mm thick elastic cushion, our patent products ●垫块 ●The cushion block ●总高度:80mm-120mm ● The total height: 80mm-120mm 单层龙骨系统是一套悬浮式运动地面系统,具备优良的运动弹性、均匀吸震性、耐用维护简单的特点,满足DIN对各项运动的性能要求,是所有场馆经济适用的不二选择。 Single keel system is a set of suspension movementground system, good movement, uniform elastic shock absorption, durability and easy maintenance features, meet the performance requirements of DIN on various sportsvenues,
联系人 | 刘海娜 |