首页 供应绩溪县沥青瓦-宣城玻纤瓦供货


发布时间 2016-08-17 收藏 分享
价格 5.00
区域 浙江省 - 杭州市
来源 杭州龙源四方金属屋面有限公司


绩溪县沥青瓦-宣城玻纤瓦供货177-0581-3519我是杭州荣平屋面瓦业有限公司许经理,在杭州市余杭区中泰工业园!欢迎来电咨询(177-0581-3519)沥青瓦(又称玻纤瓦,油毡瓦)款式,规格,沥青瓦(又称玻纤瓦,油毡瓦)到货时间,沥青瓦(又称玻纤瓦,油毡瓦)安装事宜等等!问:网络产品如何保证质量?1.我厂产品都是通过资质单位检测的,可以提供检测报告和合格证书。2.我们会提供产品小样快,在收货时你可以和样快对比。3.我们厂地址在杭州市余杭区中泰工业园,欢迎实地考察!问:产品报价是终的价格吗?报价为市场参考价格,我厂会根据市场情况、采购数量等因素作相应的价格调整,欢迎您来电咨询详谈。问:我想成为厂家在我区域的代理商,厂家可以提供哪些扶持政策?关于代理,我厂有完善成熟的合作机制,有专业的团队培训代理商运作。如有意向,欢迎来电咨询。以充分发挥被动太阳房调节作用,减少采暖系统间歇运行时间和运行负荷,实现节能大化为目标。针对被动太阳能及地板辐射间歇采暖耦合调节中所涉及的关键技术问题,通过理论分析、数值模拟和现场测试相结合的方法研究了以下内容:掌握保温和热惯性参数对围护结构传热的影响关系;在现有被动太阳能集热部件得热研究基础上,为实现被动太阳能得热大化,集热部件的运行管理方案及构件优化设计方法;地板辐射间歇供暖地板蓄放热量规律,及地板运行、设计参数对该规律的影响关系;在被动太阳房动态负荷特征基础上,研究与之匹配的间歇供暖地板蓄放热特性,进而获得间歇供暖系统运行控制策略;周期性双波动外扰与阶跃性内扰联合作用下房间热环境状况及节能效果分析。得到以下研究结果:   (1)利用数学分析方法对围护结构在周期波动双外扰和阶跃内扰单独作用下非稳态传热过程进行分析。得到围护结构温度和热流密度分布的分析解,可分析围护结构保温和热惯性参数对传热的影响关系。通过实例计算,表明了分析解结果计算方便、实用特性。一、荣平瓦业为您提供专业的技术服务:为了确保您的工程项目按期完工,荣平公司技术团队将为你提供技术支持和建议。无论是复杂的屋面设计,还是繁琐的细节,我们的技术团队都能满足您的具体要求,为项目的每一个具体要求,量身定制一套解决方案(联系人:17705813519许经理):1、专人材料计算;2、专人安装指导和技术咨询;3、专业物流运输顺利到位。The storage and release heat rules of the floor radiant intermittent heating and the effect of floor operation and design parameters on this law are obtained; Based on the dynamic load characteristics of passive solar houses, the matching exothermic storage characteristics of intermittent heating floor and the operation control strategy of the intermittent heating system are obtained; Based on the above mentioned problems, the research results as follows:   Firstly, the unsteady heat transfer process of building enclosure is analyzed under the influence of both the external and internal thermal disturbances used by mathematical method. The analysis solution of temperature and heat flux density distribution of palisade structure is obtained, and the analysis solution is benefit to analyze the influence relationship of heat preservation and structure inertia parameters on heat transfer. Also, the experiment results attested the calculation result, which showed that this solution was accurate, practical and more accessible.The object of this paper is to give full play to the adjustment function of the passive solar houses, reduce operation time and load of the intermittent heating system, realize t he maximization of energy saving. According to the key technical problems of the coupl ing regulation between passive solar energy and floor radiantion intermittent heating, thi s paper study the following contents used by theoretical analysis, numerical simulation a nd field test method: Master the influence relation of the heat preservation and heat inertia parameters on the heat transfer of palisade structure; Based on the study of heat gain of passive solar components, to realize the heat gain maximization of passive solar energy, the operation management of collection hot parts and the component design optimization method are obtained

联系人 许婉婷大区经理
86-0571-89715440 17705813519
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