首页 分析仪器 美国GAMMEX 432模体

美国GAMMEX 432模体

发布时间 2018-05-11 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 全国
来源 深圳市展业达鸿科技有限公司


美国GAMMEX 432模体,用于大脑核成像的测试体模


Product Overview

The Gammex CT Perfusion Phantom is designed to mimic a perfusion study where traceable material is monitored as it travels through brain tissue. Software that is proprietary to the CT scanner is then used to determine blood flow rates curves and to compare them to known normals. This provides a reference baseline.

The proprietary rods and vessels are designed to mimic brain tissue, but are interchangeable with ones available in the future. The battery operated phantom has a delay built into the circuitry allowing the user to set the phantom up, and move out of the scanner room to the control.

The CT Perfusion Phantom is available in limited quantities now as a Production Prototype.

美国GAMMEX 432,GAMMEX 432大脑测试体模


Fast set-up
Stable reference for perfusion studies provided
Upgrade with additional tissue samples as they are released to expand utility of the system
Battery powered so there are no electrical cords to deal with
Start-up delay allows the user to start the phantom, leave the room and begin the scan, removing uncertainty of when to begin the scanner
Highly reproducible


全国总代,正品保障,价格低,欢迎批发,购买热线  135-3085-0680 朱小姐QQ8329063

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