价格 | 面议 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 深圳市展呈展览服务有限公司 |
邀 请 函 Invitation 同期举办: 广州汽车展 Show Venue:China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex (Zone B), Guangzhou, P.R.China 地点:中国进出口商品交易会展馆 时间:2017年 11 月 17-19日 Show Date:17-19November 2017 Exhibition Area:210,000 sqm 50, 000 sqm (auto parts hall) Visitors:Trade Visitor Flow: 53,400 Exhibitors:1670 整车面积:210,000平方米 20, 000平方米(零部件及用品展区) 专业观众:53,400 人次 展商数量:1670 Sponsors The Municipal Government of Guangzhou 主办单位 广州市人民政府 广东省经济和信息化委员会 中国对外贸易中心 中国机械工业联合会 中国汽车工业协会 The Fastest Growing Market in the World – China Guangzhou, being one of the largest auto parts and accessories distribution center in China, is a cluster of automobile and parts production. Starting from 2012, the parts & accessories section of Auto Guangzhou has been upgraded as a specialized concurrent event, “China (Guangzhou) International Auto Parts and Accessories Exhibition”. It will be launched concurrently with the China (Guangzhou) International Automobile Exhibition. It is a comprehensive one-stop platform for exchange of market information, looking for business partner, business discussion, etc, for both OE business and aftermarket. This year, the biennial commercial vehicles expo will be concurrently held which bring huge synergy effects. 中国汽车工业盛事 – 华南地区大, 具影响力的汽车及零部件商贸平台 China – World’s largest Consumption and Production of Automobiles under the Spotlight Looking ahead with an optimistic view of China’s automobile industry, the total production of automobiles will maintain a sustainable growth. By 2015, the total sales of automobiles in the country is likely to surpass the United States, and the sales volume in aftermarket will reach RMB700 billion, becoming the world’s largest automobile consuming market.The rapid development of the Guangzhou automobile manufacturing industry and the support of the Guangzhou municipal government foster the growth of auto parts industry and lay a solid foundation. Within the next 10 years, 70% of the world’s automobile growth will come from Asia. Many international automobile enterprises has expressed their readiness to shift their strategic focus to China. The fair will provide an effective platform for exhibitors to tap with the growing China market. 中国 – 全球大汽车消费及生产国 市场焦点所在 Why Auto Guangzhou 2016 Established since year 2003, well attend by automobile and parts suppliers from worldwide Guangzhou - a unique cluster of automobile and parts production, extensive market coverage to the South China regions, including the Pearl River Delta region Serves for large vehicles population with great market potential for both OE and aftermarket One of the largest auto parts and accessories distribution center in China Biennial Commercial Vehicles Section will be returned in 2014 in Zone B Area Exhibition period is increased to 3days in 2015, further enhance the effectiveness of exhibition and the interaction between visitors and exhibitors 展会的核心优势 跻身国内三大国际汽车展会之一, 国际汽车及零部件品牌云集, 影响力辐射至南中国各省市广州乃中国其中一个重要汽车产业基地, 亦是中国大的汽车零部件及用品集散地广州是华南地区主要的汽配贸易中心, 市场幅射面广南方地区汽车保有量庞大, 产业覆盖为完整,同时兼顾OEM, 整车配套及售后市场两年一度之商用车展在 B 区同期举行,势必吸引更多相关专业观众及商用车零部件公司参与 2015 年专业观众数量相对 2014 年增长显着,2016 年度广州汽车展零部件展区现场采购活动,加强展商与观众互动,提升参展效果。 作为与广州汽车展同期举办的专业展览会,2016 广州国际汽车零部件及用品展览会将以专业的团队、独立策划、独立运营,既按照国内外知名专业展览会的要求来进行运作,同时与广州国际汽车展同期举行,独享行业、媒体及观众资源优势,以珠三角汽车产业集群优势为基础,依托广州汽车展整体产业覆盖面, 为业界提供上下游信息沟通、技术交流及业务洽谈的平台。 Review of Previous Show (2017) 2016 Guangzhou International Auto Parts & Accessories Exhibition Exhibiting Area: 200,000sqm, of which 40,000sqm for auto parts and accessories halls Exhibitors: Total 1500, of which 1380 were auto parts and accessories exhibitors, international pavilions from Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Belgium and Egypt Visitors: Over 620,000 visitors, of which over 30,000 trade visitors Seminars / Forums: Green Manufacturing - Steel and Future Car International Symposium 2013 China Summit, the German car manufacturer Beidou application and Automotive Industry Forum Cutting-edge Technologies Forum The 1st Car Tuning Expo International automotive window film technicians athletic contest Seventh car audio industry awards ceremony 上届展会精彩回顾 2016 广州国际汽车零部件及用品展览会于2016年11月18-20 日举行,这是广州汽车展开办十四年来,展会在参展阵容、到会买家、现场服务、同期活动等方面都实现了较大的进步,展商满意度达史上好水平。86%参展商认为展出效果满意至非常好。 展商 参展企业1500 家,比上届增长45%;展位3900 余个,比上届增长50%。 买家 共有观众50万人次,专业观众53400人次买家入场,比上届增长约50%,来自各大主机厂、汽配城及广物汽贸、广汽商贸、广汽零部件等龙头流通企业。 同期活动 2017中国汽车经销商广州车展高峰论坛 中华汽配网采购洽谈会 广物汽贸采购见面会 慧聪网汽车零部件采购见面会 2017国际窗膜技师竞技大赛 日资汽车零部件采购洽谈会 All Round Promotion to Attract Quality Buyers Trade visitors from procurement departments of car manufacturers, R & D departments, automobile main frame makers, parts & accessories trading firms, large retail groups, after-sales parts manufactures dealers, 3S & 4S shops, overseas procurement groups and end-user consumer groups Engine factory managers from home and abroad will be invited to make a face-to-face talk, which help to seize the latest information and business opportunity High level professional seminars and forums will be concurrently held to draw in more trade visitors Free accommodation and transportation for VIP buyers Business matching for buyers and exhibitors 零部件及用品展亮点、活动及专业买家组织: ? 借力广州车展,共享国际A级车展的高度媒体关注! ? 产业覆盖为完整,同时兼顾整车配套及售后市场! ? 展前推广持续、深入;展中活动专业、高效;展后配套及时、丰富! ? 中国整车企业采购论坛——了解整车企业的新采购理念! ? 中国汽车行业年度经销商大会——聚焦经销渠道,了解买家新动态! ? 2016中韩汽车零部件进出口商品交易洽谈会——对接国际同行,感受海外商机! ? 2016广州汽车展买家之夜——与经销商买家见面、交流的绝佳平台! ? 阿里巴巴网商洽谈会聚集国内百万阿里巴巴黄金采购买家、拓展更多营销渠道。 ? 高度专业,汽车零部件及用品兼顾主机厂配套及售后市场供应; ? 日资汽车零部件购销展览会(JAPPE)集中展示日本及中国日资企业; ? 将引进来自欧美、韩国、新加坡等国家和地区的专业展团; ? 供应商展区及采购商展区联袂展出,现场供需互动以获得更好的展出效果; ? 充分发挥车展庞大展商资源,组织整车制造厂采购部及研发部等高端买家团到会; ? 更多的专业买家接待预算,高端买家专享免费住宿,交通等特殊待遇; ? 赴海内外举办多场推介会,如日本后市场展览会,台北零配件展览会、北京汽车展等; ? 举办更多同期配套活动,如行业年会、采购说明会、供需配对洽谈会; ? 汽车配件、用品真假识别展示区——倡导“购买品牌汽配产品,关注驾驶安全出行” ? 媒体阵容强大—广州车展官方网站坐阵、百家汽车行业权威媒体联手出击,中央电视台、新浪汽车、搜狐汽车、慧聪网等权威媒体现场直播。 Scope of Exhibits Non-Vehicles Section ? Automotive Parts & Components ? Automotive Systems, including: o Engines & Mechanical System o Chassis System o Body System o Electric & Electronic System o Lighting System ? Diagnostic and Measurement Equipment ? Maintenance, Repair and Refitting Technology and Equipment ? Emission Testing & Analyzing Technology ? Tyre & Wheel ? Car Audio ? Automotive Accessories ? Lubricants, Auto Supplies & Car Care Products ? Car Safety Technology and Equipment ? Automobile Services Manufacturing Equipment & Materials 展品范围 (非整车部份) ? 汽车零部件 ? 汽车系统,包括: l 发动机及机械部件 l 汽车底盘设备 l 汽车车身设备 l 汽车电气和电子设备 l 灯具系统 ? 汽车维修、改装及车间设备 ? 汽车制造技术及设备 ? 汽车用品 ? 润滑油、汽车护理及供应品 ? 尾气排放测试及分析仪器 ? 轮胎及轮圈 ? 汽车音响 ? 汽车附件 ? 检测及量度仪器 ? 汽车安全科技及仪器 ? 汽车业相关产品及服务 参展查询,请联络: 深圳市展呈展览服务有限公司 电话:0755-29056611 传真:0755-29056611 联系人:杨凤珠 15361065808(微信同号) QQ在线: 1239759283 邮箱:sales03@szzhancheng.com
Economic & Information Commission of Guangdong Province
China Foreign Trade Center
China Machinery Industry Federation
China Association of Automobile Manufacturers
中国(广州)国际汽车展览会创办于2003年,经过10年的发展及凭借得天独厚的汽车产业集群与市场,已迅速跻身中国三大国际汽车展会。从2012年开始, 汽车零部件及用品板块正式升级成为一个专业展,与广州汽车展同期举行,立足打造中国汽车零部件及用品行业的一个集信息发布、技术交流、商务洽谈的一站式综合平台。为世界各国零部件的配套及后市场行业发展提供有效的平台,使展会迈向更国际化及专业化。适逢两年一度之商用车展将于今届重临,势必吸引更多相关专业观众及商用车零部件公司参与。
中国汽车行业前景广阔,全国汽车产量将持续保持增长。预计到2016年,国内汽车销售有望超过美国,售后市场产值更有望增至7000亿元,成为全球大汽车市场。广州汽车制造业的迅猛发展以及在广州市政府大力推动下,为汽车零部件提供了坚实的产业基础和有力的市场支撑。未来10年内,全球汽车增长的70%将来自于亚洲,很多跨国车企表示已经做好准备将战略重点往中国转移。广州的目标是承接国际汽车零部件生产的转移,成为汽车零部件的“全球供货商”。全球车企对广州车展的重视,也预示着中国汽车市场全球地位的攀升。创办于 2003 年, 凭藉得天独厚的汽车产业集群与市场及深受政府及业内人士重视,已迅速
联系人 | 杨凤珠 |