价格 | 18.00元 |
品牌 | 鸿宝化工 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 宁津县鸿宝化工有限公司 |
用超高分子量聚乙烯是制造刮板输送机的中板,可解决钢制中板所存在的问题,得到塑料刮板输送机。对于小型刮板输送机可以通过改性超高分子量聚乙烯来制造刮板输送机。对于上面行走采煤机的大型刮板输送机,要采用钢塑复合的方法,用超高分子量聚乙烯作为衬里,提高大型刮板输送机的耐磨性,延长使用寿命,降低摩擦系数,从而降低功率消耗并降低对牵引、传动系统的要求,这对大型刮板输送机有巨大意义。本产品由山东科技大学研制,可用于煤矿、化学矿山、金属矿山及电厂等物料运输。 刮板规格及颜色:可以根据客户的图纸加工生产 Polyethylene has many names. The most common are HDPE, LDPE, andUHMW. The difference has to with the molecular weight and branching which is when a monomer or atom is replaced by a longer chain of polymers (a long repeating chain of atoms). used in against impact, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, adhesion, low noise, high industrial mining areas and health requirements, and greatly reduce operating costs and maintenance costs, improve the comprehensive economic benefits
联系人 | 张振玲 |