东北亚招商有限公司主营东北亚诚招代理商,位于深圳福田华强北,联系电话:13418754391(李国平) 东北亚诚招代理商 东北亚代理东北亚北方商品交易所诚招代理商,电话 134-1875-4391 QQ 1274753363 欢迎来电咨询, 大平台,现在少有的稳定平台,产品齐全,高返佣,准时.交易所直接招商,稳定,佣金有保障。 只要你有实力,条件不是问题。 东北亚招商 ,东北亚代理,燃料烃,白银。东北亚官方代理 东北亚官方招公司代理东北亚官方招个人代理东北亚北方现货招商 Like the UK, the US is in the throes of a political maelstrom that could have broader consequences. Trump is at war with many factions – not just his enemies in Congress and the Senate (who include both moderate and extreme Republicans, as well as Democrats) – but with leading civil servants, entire government departments and, rumour has it, senior members of his own administration. He is severely constrained by the Washington infrastructure, by judicial processes and by civil society. At best his administration will simply fail to enact significant legislation – a mere matter of broken promises. The president, however, still sets the tone for America’s interaction with the world. The international perception of American values and prestige is being undermined as a result of Trump’s excessive posturing for his domestic constituents. Where does this end? Without material policy successes at home, Trump will be more likely to jeopardise longstanding, diplomatic relations abroad in order to score a victory. God forbid he should need a major distraction. Meanwhile, former allies are being variously bullied, insulted or merely embarrassed. Trump’s abuse of London’s mayor following the London Bridge terrorist attack achieved all three of these. This works both ways: anti-Trump rhetoric has become a useful tactic for politicians abroad, who can inspire domestic support by invoking fear of the US (it’s hard to believe that these words now apply to American allies as well as its enemies).
联系人 | 张总 |