首页 工程塑料 抗压耐腐蚀聚乙烯草坪垫板路基板


发布时间 2018-09-04 收藏 分享
价格 18.00
品牌 鸿宝化工
区域 全国
来源 宁津县鸿宝化工有限公司




材料:HDPE复合材料   UHMWPE复合材料
我公司产品远销国内外市场,遍布全球各地。 您的满意就是我们的追求 !!!我们秉持永远让客户满意理念,以持续改进为手段,杜绝有瑕疵产品流向客户,是我公司的永恒追求。让供求双方互利共赢,欢迎您的来电咨询!!

The transmission sector demands specific requirements in the deployment of temporary access and ground protection that are unique to the industry. Checkers Safety Group has worked extensively with key partners on many projects across the globe and understands these specific requirements, which are reflected in the design and performance of our TuffTrak and EuroMat solutions. See below some of the projects where we have helped our partners within the transmission sector.

联系人 张振玲
13655346277 2355817063
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