价格 | 18.00元 |
品牌 | 鸿宝化工 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 宁津县鸿宝化工有限公司 |
支腿垫板具有较高的强度和刚度,进而能够减小受力时垫板本体的变形量,为工程机械提供更加稳定的支撑力。大大节约了使用成本提高了工作质量。支腿垫由板状的垫板本体和手提绳两部分组成。板状的垫板本体采用UHMW/HDPE高分子合成材料压制而成。垫板四角支撑60mm承压15-18T/cm?以上,可在恶劣环境下正常使用,超载使用宁弯而不断裂。手提绳由尼龙材质制成,手提绳的端部嵌入垫板本体中,以便于运载和布置。吊车专用支腿垫板。 备货详细 450*450 500*500 550*550 600*600 均可定制 承重范围 4T-300T产品价格 价格可议根据尺寸不同价格也不一样 生产厂家 山东省宁津县鸿宝化工有限公司 产品功能 支腿垫板主要应用于混凝土泵车、起重机等大型机械 Polyethylene has many names. The most common are HDPE, LDPE, and UHMW. The difference has to with the molecular weight and branching which is when a monomer or atom is replaced by a longer chain of polymers (a long repeating chain of atoms). used in against impact, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, adhesion, low noise, high industrial mining areas and health requirements, and greatly reduce operating costs and maintenance costs, improve the comprehensive economic benefits
联系人 | 张振玲 |