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工业折叠门 工业提升门 别墅车库门 折叠门厂家 茗杰门业

发布时间 2017-10-30 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 全国
来源 任丘市茗杰门业有限公司


任丘市茗杰工业折叠门厂家是一家专业研发、生产和销售工业折叠门,工业提升门 别墅车库门,厂房推拉门。我们拥有先进的生产设备、专业的技术团队、是知名工业折叠门生产厂家,产品设计新颖,质量上乘,可按要求批发定做工业折叠门,欢迎选购!


Europe and the United States and garage door garage door includes: Europe and the United States, Europe and the United States and garage door accessories, Europe and the garage door opener, the remote control garage door mainly for Europe and the United States, Canada and other countries mainly used for garage door appearance accessories such as standards, our company exported to many countries, such as Canada and Costa rica。

联系人 曹少杰
0317-2902381 15533710195 710986890
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