价格 | 18.00元 |
品牌 | 鸿宝化工 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 宁津县鸿宝化工有限公司 |
超高分子量聚乙烯护舷板具有重量轻,抗冲击,耐磨损,耐腐蚀,抗紫外线,耐老化,摩擦系数小,可有效防止由于紫外线照射。其冲击强度是聚氯乙烯的20倍,尼龙66的10倍,聚四氟乙烯的8倍。适用性广,也可作为船舶防撞装置。反力低,面压小,吸能量合理;对船舶靠泊时的恒摇和纵摇适应性强;安装维护方便。 Polyethylene has many names. The most common are HDPE, LDPE, andUHMW. The difference has to with the molecular weight and branching which is when a monomer or atom is replaced by a longer chain of polymers (a long repeating chain of atoms). Ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene fender panels fender veneers has excellent wear resistance, good low temperature impact resistance, selflubrication, nontoxic, water resistance, chemical resistance, heat resistance is superior to the general PE. Can be widely used in against impact, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, adhesion, low noise, high industrial mining areas and health requirements, and greatly reduce operating costs and maintenance costs, improve the comprehensive economic benefits
联系人 | 张振玲 |