价格 | 面议 |
区域 | 香港特别行政区 - 香港特别行政区 |
来源 | Inspirr網頁設計公司 |
通常室內光纖佈線的主要應用於水平子系統和垂直主幹子系統的鋪設。水平子系統光纜的鋪設與雙絞線非常類似,但由於光纖的抗拉性較差,所以牽引時應該更加小心,曲率半徑也要更加大。而垂直主幹子系統光纖適用於鏈接設備間至各個樓層配線間,一般裝在電纜豎井或预埋管路。 室內光纖佈線是要注意哪些事項? 為了防止光纖下垂或滑落,每個樓層的槽道上中下端,都必須用尼龍扎帶或鋼製卡子將光纖進行有效固定。後,還應該用油麻封堵材料將建築內各個樓層光纖穿過的所有槽洞、管孔的空隙部分堵塞密封,並應採取加堵防火材料等防火措施,以達到防潮和防火的效果。 創世服務有限公司採用安普24芯OM3室內光纖佈線, 符合所有的行業性能標準。創世服務有限公司是一間提供專業數據中心架設公司,擁有一群專業團隊並提供專業的服務,貼心地給用戶提供優質的服務。 想了解更多關於「安普24芯OM3室內光纖佈線」的內容,請瀏覽創世官網:http://livservices.com.hk 地址: 香港觀塘鴻圖道37-39號鴻泰工業大廈4樓4室 電話:852-31063235 —————— Often indoor fiber cable is mainly used in the laying of horizontal subsystems and vertical backbone subsystems. Horizontal sub-system cable laying and twisted pair is very similar, but because of the poor tensile strength of the fiber cable, so the traction should be more careful, the radius of curvature should be even greater. The vertical backbone subsystem fiber for the link between the equipment to the various floors between the wiring, generally installed in the cable shaft or buried pipeline. what matter is indoor fiber cable to pay attention? In order to prevent the fiber cable drooping or slipping, each floor of the channel , must be used nylon ties or steel clip to effectively fix the fiber cable. Finally, it should also use the material to seal the slots and pipe holes of the fiber cable. And it should be taken to block fire prevention materials such as fire prevention measures to achieve moisture and fire effects. LIV uses Commscope 24 core OM3 Indoor Fiber Cable, and meet all industry standards.LIV Services Company Limited is the leading solution provider in data centre and system infrastructure to its value clients. They have a group of professional team and intimate to provide users with professional services. For more information about‘Commscope 24 core OM3 Indoor Fiber Cable’,please visit : http://livservices.com.hk Address: Unit 4, 4/F., Hung Tai Industrial Building, 37-39 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong Tel: 852 3106 3235
联系人 | 創世 |