价格 | 面议 |
区域 | 香港特别行政区 - 香港特别行政区 |
来源 | Inspirr網頁設計公司 |
眾所周知,智能安防是人工智能落地的重要環節之一。目前階段蓬勃發展的人臉識別技術是智能安防的重要突破點。 什麼是人臉識別? 人臉識別,是基於人的臉部特徵信息進行身份識別的一種生物識別技術。用攝像機或攝像頭採集含有人臉的圖像或視頻流,並自動在圖像中檢測和跟蹤人臉,進而對檢測到的人臉進行識別。 為什麼人臉識別可以應用到安防系統? 由於人體生物學特徵的性,比如人臉、虹膜、指紋、聲紋,由於個人特徵只有當事人自己才有,因而能夠解決目前比較普遍的詐騙者利用密碼等技術手段易失竊、易複製、易濫用的漏洞,這是目前生物識別領域商業前景被看好的主要原因,近來人臉識別發展態勢越來越熱。 在現實生活中,人臉識別技術已經逐漸走進日常生活,不論是門禁、考勤系統,還是支付、娛樂應用,都開始應用這種技術。 * * * * * * 創世服務有限公司是一間提供專業數據中心架設公司,擁有一群專業團隊貼心地關注客戶的要求,並提供優質的服務。 想了解更多關於「人臉識別在安保系統的重要性」的內容,請瀏覽創世官網:http://livservices.com.hk 地址: 香港觀塘鴻圖道37-39號鴻泰工業大廈4樓4室 電話:852-31063235 —————— What is face recognition? Face recognition is a kind of biometrics based on human face feature information. Use the camera or camera to collect images or video streams containing faces, and automatically detect and track faces in the image, and then identify the detected faces. Why can face recognition be applied to the security system? Due to the unique nature of human biology, such as face, iris, fingerprints, voiceprints. Because each person's characteristics are different, which can solve the current more common loopholes. This is also the main reason for the current business prospects of biometrics, and the recent development of face recognition is getting hotter. In real life, face recognition technology has gradually entered the daily life, whether it is access control, time and attendance system, or pay, entertainment applications, have begun to use this technology. * * * * * * LIV is a professional data center to set up a company, with a group of professional team intimate attention to customer requirements, and provide quality services. For more information about 'The importance of face recognition in security systems',please visit : http://livservices.com.hk Address: Unit 4, 4/F., Hung Tai Industrial Building,37-39 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong Tel: 852 3106 3235
联系人 | 創世 |