首页 电子产品制造设备 Enerpac P系列ULTIMA液压钢手泵

Enerpac P系列ULTIMA液压钢手泵

发布时间 2017-10-28 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 上海市
来源 上海兆茗电子科技有限公司


Enerpac P系列ULTIMA液压钢手泵-Enerpac手动泵P462

上海兆茗电子科技有限公司正在我的备件网团购Enerpac P系列ULTIMA液压钢手泵-Enerpac手动泵P462   产品,限时2周内拼单优惠折扣5%-20%

Enerpac P系列ULTIMA液压钢手泵性能特点:









Enerpac high pressure hydraulic steel hand pumps are the solution for tough jobs

Reduced handle effort and ergonomic grip for less operator fatigue

Two-speed operation for fast and easy operation (except P-39)

Vent free reservoir eliminates spills

Quick grip handle allows for easy transport

Integral reservoir over-pressurization protection

All steel construction, chrome plated plunger and wiper system for durable, long lasting performance

4-way valving on the P-84 and P-464 for operation of double-acting cylinders

Enerpac P系列ULTIMA液压钢手泵型号对应表:

Pump Type Usable Oil Capacity Model Number Pressure Rating ** Oil Displacement per Stroke Max. Handle Effort Piston Stroke Weight
(bar) (cm3)
(cm3) 1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage 2nd stage (kg) (mm) (kg)
Single 770 P-39 - 700 - 2,46 39 25,4 6,2
Two-speed 770 P-77 34 700 16,39 2,46 40 25,4 7,1
2200 P-80 * 34 700 16,39 2,46 35 25,4 10,7
4100 P-801 34 700 16,39 2,46 35 25,4 14,1
2200 P-84 34 700 16,39 2,46 35 25,4 11,8
7423 P-462 14 700 126,20 4,75 49 38,1 27,7
7423 P-464 14 700 126,20 4,75 49 38,1 27,7
HYDAC 滤芯 N15DM002 HYDAC 压力传感器 HDA 4744-A-250-000 HYDAC 单筒高压滤芯 0240 D 010 BH4HC HYDAC 气囊 Blase 50L*M50X1.5/VG5 N HYDAC 气囊 1268885 2.300.D 10 BN4 HYDAC 液压过滤器 LFW/HC110IC25B1.0/12V HYDAC 滤芯 N/DA-A 0330 R 020 BN4HC HYDAC 滤芯 K/DB-A 0185 R 020 ECON2 HYDAC 过滤器 0060D005BN4HC/-V HYDAC 过滤器 0110R010BN4HC/-KB HYDAC 安全阀 SAF10E12Y1T150A-S13 HYDAC 密封件包 RF4-1-X-X-X-1/2-10-0-V;1349696 HYDAC 压力开关 EVA WIND-HPT;920534 HYDAC 滤芯 2600-R-010-BN4HC HYDAC 传感器 HDA4745-A-016-000 HYDAC 过滤器 BDH 100 BDH20C HYDAC 传感器 EDS344-2-250-000 HYDAC 排污阀 RSKE-RF3-C/0-1-C-ND-16-0/BLH

联系人 胡春红销售主管
86-021-51870618 18001897338
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