首页 噪声系数测试/分析仪 回收噪声源 Agilent N4000A

回收噪声源 Agilent N4000A

发布时间 2025-02-21 收藏 分享
价格 面议
品牌 Agilent
区域 全国
来源 东莞市旺贸通仪器仪表有限公司


回收噪声源 Agilent N4000A
 QQ:   1226365851

N4000A ^噪声源^安捷伦N4000A
Agilent N4000A|SNS系列噪声源|惠普|安捷伦|噪声头|ENR 6db|18GHz

品牌:美国安捷伦 Agilent | 美国惠普 HP

The SNS series N4000A is a 10 MHz to 18 GHz noise source with nominal ENR 6 dB. The N4000A noise source is designed for accurately measuring devices with low noise figure, or devices whose gain is especially sensitive to small changes in source impedance. DUT's with noise figure up to 20 dB can be accurately and reliably measured with this device. The N4000A noise sources has a choice of connectors, with an APC 3.5(mm) connector as standard.

 Electronic storage of Excess Noise Ratio (ENR) calibration data decreases the opportunity for user error
 Automatic download of ENR data to the NFA speeds overall set-up time
 Temperature compensation improves measurement accuracy leading to tighter specification of device performance
 For complete details, reference the Product Overview
 For additional specifications on this product, see the Operating Service Guide
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