价格 | 面议 |
区域 | 香港特别行政区 - 香港特别行政区 |
来源 | Inspirr網頁設計公司 |
高清攝像機應用 目前,大多數醫院院內外部監控均採用市場上主流的網絡高清設備,使圖像清晰度更高、細節更加清楚和監控目標覆蓋範圍更廣。 智能分析和巡檢應用 隨着視頻分析技術的發展,通過智能技術可以大大減少醫院安防人員的工作壓力和強度,化被動處理為主動防禦。 報警、門禁、消防等系統融合 醫院目前已經建設有大量的安防系統,每套系統均有一套獨立的平台,值班人員僅需要一套平台即可完成所有操作,縮減工作人員響應時間,提高工作效率。 * * * * * * 創世服務有限公司是一間提供專業數據中心架設公司,擁有一群專業團隊貼心地關注客戶的要求,並提供優質的服務。 想了解更多關於「醫院綜合安防系統方案特點 」的內容,請瀏覽創世官網:http://livservices.com.hk 地址: 香港觀塘鴻圖道37-39號鴻泰工業大廈4樓4室 電話:852-31063235 —————— Hospital integrated security system program features HD camera application Currently, most of the hospital's hospital internal and external monitoring
are using the mainstream network HD equipment on the market, so that the higher
the clarity of the image, the clearer the details and monitoring target
coverage. The company is located in: Intelligent analysis and inspection applications With the development of video analysis technology, the security pressure and
strength of hospital security personnel can be greatly reduced through
intelligent technology, and passive treatment can be taken as the active
defense. The company is located in: Alarm, access control, fire and other systems
integration At present, the hospital has built a large number of security systems. Each
system has an independent platform. The duty personnel need only one platform to
complete all the operations, reduce staff response time and improve work
efficiency. * * * * * * LIV is a professional data center to set up a company, with a group of
professional team intimate attention to customer requirements, and provide
quality services. For more information about 'Hospital integrated security system program
features',please visit : http://livservices.com.hk Address: Unit 4, 4/F., Hung Tai Industrial Building,37-39 Hung To Road, Kwun
Tong, Hong Kong Tel: 852 3106 3235
联系人 | 創世 |