首页 塑料油墨 PE蛇皮袋印刷油墨


发布时间 2018-06-27 收藏 分享
价格 180.00
品牌 欧莱斯
区域 全国
来源 上海凯贤印刷科技有限公司



1、 特性:PP油墨是一款适合于PP一表面丝印、移印、亮光的溶剂型油墨,印刷适性好,对PP表面有特别好的附着力,环保无毒,且干燥温度低,可有效的节省能源。
2、  适用范围:PP材质表面丝印移印; 
3、  使用方法:
(1)  印刷前先清除印件表面的尘埃油渍,用PP处理水擦拭印件表面,做好印前处理;
(2)  本品是双组份应应型固化油墨,印前需加10~15%的S-5固化剂,调配好后,再加上适当的溶剂(开油水),充份搅拌均匀,方可进行印刷操作;
(3)  为确保印后质量和附着力,印好后需加温80度烘烤30分钟,并于24小时后方可进行附着力测试;完全固化干燥后的墨层可耐水煮24小时,耐指刮,过3M胶百格测试,耐酒精200次以上;
4、 注意事项:
(1)  大货前先行试印,测试油墨对印材的匹配性,防止出现材料品种不同而引起质量问题;
(2)  本品为易燃品,使用前后请交油墨容器完全密封且置于阴凉通风处保存,避免接触高温和明火;

PP ink printing: PP (polypropylene), PE (polyethylene) and similar materials, final product, for example: various types of stationery, various types of bottles (shampoo, cosmetics packaging), batteries and other product features. Product features: print surface smoothness and gloss to the PPF series, good adhesion on PP, PE material, good printability, high resistance to wear. Method of use: 1, mesh: mesh 150-350. 2, Online Edition: organic solvent emulsion production network Edition. 3, blade: 60-90, solvent-resistant scraper, such as polyurethane scraper. 4, use: printing per kg 250 mesh version 36 square meters. 5, printing (pre-press preparation, printing process). Dry: natural volatile dry (table dry 20 minutes, and work 24 hours above) or 100 ℃ following hot air blow dry selection solvent: 719 fast dry water, 718 in the dry water, 783 slow dry water, due to printing environment temperature, and ventilation volume and the printing pattern size different for appropriate Select Network Board cleaning: selection solvent cleaning (as: wash network water) products packaging: 1 kg loaded, and 5 kg loaded, and 20 kg loaded store conditions: 5 ℃-25 ℃ conditions Xia can store two years, avoid strong light irradiation, and anti-contact acid, and alkali, Packing in plastic tanks. Note: when printing 1, the use of the product, due to greater surface tension of PP, PE material, please make test before you print. For PE material, possibly resulting in poor adhesion of the phenomena, and can then join 2%-5% PP adhesion promoter for printing test, depending on the effect. 2, for less tension in the surface material, or flame them in PP processing method for processing substrate printing, thus improving ink adhesion. 3 solid inks, the ink is slow reaction and adhesion must be in print for more than 24 hours after the test to test.

联系人 赵国明
021,59507952, 18201845192 360315543
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