首页 变频器 供应LF-1-D-5M-MAXI


发布时间 2018-02-09 收藏 分享
价格 2018.00
区域 广东省
来源 中海德(福建)工业设备有限公司福州分公司





中海德郑女士 18005005612 /0591-83488860

9705A33G01 Westinghouse WDPF Black Plug on QBO Card (9705A33G01)

9942A27G05 Westinghouse WDPF Data Hwy to MHC Card Cable (9942A27G05)

9942A27G06 Westinghouse WDPF Data Hwy to MHC Card Cable (9942A27G06)

9942A27G07 Westinghouse WDPF Data Hwy to MHC Card Cable (9942A27G07)

9942A27G12 Westinghouse WDPF Data Hwy to MHC Card Cable (9942A27G12)

9942A29G04 Westinghouse WDPF Ribbon Cable to MRC Card (9942A29G04)

9942A34G17 Westinghouse WDPF 13v Power Supply Cable (9942A34G17)

9942A95G14 Westinghouse WDPF Cabinet Cable Assy, Black, Half Sell to Card Edge (9942A95G14)

3A58992H04 Westinghouse WEStation 3BNC RGB Video Cable for SUN Sparc5 (3A58992H04)    

3A59104G02 Westinghouse WEStation 486 Q-Line Remote I/O (3A59104G02)

3A59104G04 Westinghouse WEStation 486 Q-Line Remote I/O (3A59104G04)

3A59341G03 Westinghouse WEStation WDPF IIU Kit (Interface Strip in VME chassis) (3A59341G03)

3A59534H01 Westinghouse WEStation VME Chassis Power Supply (3A59534H01)

3A59535H03 Westinghouse WEStation VME Chassis Backplane (3A59535H03)

3A59537H01 Westinghouse WEStation VME Chassis Fan (3A59537H01)

3A59537H02 Westinghouse WEStation VME Chassis Fan (3A59537H02)

3A98608G03 Westinghouse WEStation VME SCSI Serial Port Device (3A98608G03)

3A98688G02 Westinghouse WEStation SCSI Cable on front of VME chassis (3A98688G02)

3A98688G03 Westinghouse WEStation SCSI Cable on front of VME chassis (3A98688G03)

3A98688G04 Westinghouse WEStation SCSI Cable on front of VME chassis (3A98688G04)

3A98720G18 Westinghouse WEStation Green Cable out the front of VME Sparc (3A98720G18)


联系人 郑佳销售经理
86-0591-83488860 18005005612
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