品牌:Agilent/安捷伦型号:E8254A类型:高频信号发生器电源电压:220V频率:250K-40GHz频率稳定度:10ppm非线性失真度:0.01hz输出电平:-110dbm到14DBM输出电平稳定度:0.7 and 0.9 dB输出电平准确度:0.1dbm
安捷伦agilent E8254A信号源
产品指标: 250kHz-40GHz
●大输出功率为 20dBm,20GHz;或 14dBm,40GHz
◆opt 1EA:高功率选件(<20GHz: 18dBm;20~40GHz: 12dBm)
◆ opt 1E1:衰减器选件
◆ opt UNJ:增强相噪功能(包括高稳定时基选件1E5,<?2.5?10-10/day)
产品信息: The E8254A PSG microwave signal generator was discontinued on November 1, 2002. Agilent will continue to support this product for the five years following its discontinuance date. The recommended replacement products are the PSG high-performance signal generators.
The Agilent Performance Signal Generator series offers accurate characterization of products and eliminates the need of an external amplifier for testing high power devices. The PSG series provides 14 dBm at 40 GHz (option 1EA), reducing overall equipment and test costs. The superior level accuracy of the PSG series ( /- 0.7 dB) reduces test uncertainties and improves production throughput. Standard products have phase noise performance of -85 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset and -110 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset and a 10 GHz carrier. The PSG provides improved performance with option UNJ of -98 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset and -110 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset and a 10 GHz carrier. Because the new PSG series guarantees accurate evaluation of devices, errors can be pinpointed early on in the design process thus resulting in a reduced development time.