首页 机械量检测仪表 AM297K-wxy0


发布时间 2018-09-14 收藏 分享
价格 1.00
区域 全国
来源 中海德(福建)工业设备有限公司






中海德(福建)工业设备有限公司是一家全球性贸易工业自动化系统工程技术开发,代理销售欧美各类自动化产品高新技术企业。与国外800多家知名工控厂商建立良好合作关系,通过我们提供系统方案和产品为客户创造了良好的效益和价值。公司位于福州市闽侯高新区新保路正荣财富中心sohoB 8层,拥有一批专业的高素质工控系统设计和安装技术服务工程师,为客户提供整体的解决方案和全方位的服务,并建立了完善的市场销售体系、公司承接设计、施工的控制系统项目和节能改造系统项目,主要涉及机械、电力、治金、石化、林产、食品加工、制药、市政工程等行业领域。



6638353AB8 OIU/OIS Peripheral

connectors and power distribution


6636166A3 / 6637517A1 MCS

Keyboard/CRT Interface


OIS/MCS Cards & Parts OIS/ MCS卡及配件

1947415A2 OIS Hard Disk Controller OMTI

5400  from OIS 20


1947415A2 OIS Hard Disk

ControllerDeltaTech 520DB   from OIS 20


1948002A3 OIS Hard Disk Seagate ST-

4096 Full Height (for OIS 20 series)


1948018A1 OIS Floppy Disk Drive 5 1/4"


1948023A1 SASX Interface Module (IIMP



1948028A1 Multi-bus Memory Card 1


1948193A1 QIC-02 Portable External

Magnetic Tape Drive for OIS


1948760A1 Digital Compact Tape w/OIS 40

System Software


1948778A2 Digital DECXM-M


1948932A7 OIS Video Card for Single



1949759A1 Compaq ELSA GLORIA

Synergy 8MB Graphics Controller


1947853A1 Genicom Printer Ribbon


1949429A2 PS/2 3 button Mouse for OIS


198932A5 Video Card for Dual Monitors


258617A1 Touch Screen Card Controller:

includes NHKAC13004, 1947422A21001,

1948027A3H, 6618445A3, 6636352A2,

NBZAC09006, 6636495A2


6634230K1 Membrane Keyboard Module


6634967C1 Annunciator Board


6636166A3 MCS Keyboard Assembly

6636361A1 MCS IO Dist Board


6636378A2 MCS Hard Drive Assembly

including OMTI 5400 controller


6636407A1 MCS Comm Board


6636448A1 Annunciator Display Assembly

64 button MCS


6637033A1 SBE M68 CPU Multibus Card


6637033A2 SBE M68 CPU Multibus Card


6637033A3 SBE M68 CPU Multibus Card

rev F3


6637033A4 SBE M68 CPU Multibus Card

rev F3


6637257E1 Seagate HD OMTI 5400

Controller Assembly


6637257E1 Seagate ST-4096 Hard Drive

with Anti-Shock Mount


6637446_7 2MB Global Ram 1 MCS


6637446_8 2MB Global Ram 2 MCS


6637446_9 2MB Global Ram 3 MCS


6637447_1 Local Memory SBE M68K


6637801A2 OIS Card Cage and Backplane

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