首页 产品检测服务 WEEE注册认证要如何申请?


发布时间 2018-12-20 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 全国
来源 深圳市金通检测科技有限公司


由于Weee的问题,我德国产品被下架。 然后我找到亚马逊提供的网址:www.stiftung-ear.de 发邮件咨询 得到的回复: since November 24th, 2005 producers of electrical and electronic equipment are legally obliged to register at stiftung ear. Without first registering, a producer is not allowed to place any electrical and electronic equipment on the market in Germany. More information Since October 24th, 2015 producers without a branch in Germany can no longer be registered or remain registered themselves. Producers established in another state than Germany have to appoint a legal or natural person established in Germany as the authorised representative that is responsible for fulfilling the obligations of a producer. 意思是除非你在德国开个分公司,或者办事处,才可以跟他们注册 还有什么方法申请注册呢?


1 .商家填德国回收注册申请表格。

2 .回收公司拟定回收合同。

3 .商家签字并回签。

4 .回收公司回签合同,合同生效。

5 .商家收到账单,付款。

6 .回收公司把合同和商家的注册资料提供给EAR审核

7 .EAR审核后颁发WEEE码,并且入德国电子回收电脑查询系统。

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