价格 | 面议 |
区域 | 香港特别行政区 - 香港特别行政区 |
来源 | Inspirr網頁設計公司 |
近年來,隨着人們對數據傳輸速度、容量的要求越來越嚴格,網絡未來發展的必然規律是怎樣呢? 網絡未來發展的三大必然規律 1. 網絡速度會變得越來越快,所以,設計網絡時,應該考慮更高的速率,更大的帶寬,更快的網絡響應時間。 2. 網絡容量會變得越來越大,設計時需要考慮更多的用戶,更大網絡的流量和更高的性能。 3. 網絡構架絕對不會保持不變,設計時應該考慮更大的靈活性,更能方便的更改網絡配置和更強的可管理性。 * * * * * * 創世服務有限公司是一間提供專業數據中心架設公司,擁有一群專業團隊貼心地關注客戶的要求,並提供優質的服務。 想了解更多關於「網絡未來發展的三大必然規律」的內容,請瀏覽創世官網:http://livservices.com.hk 地址: 香港觀塘鴻圖道37-39號鴻泰工業大廈4樓4室 電話:852-31063235 —————— The three inevitable laws of the future development of the
network 1. The network speed will become faster and faster, so when designing the
network, you should consider higher speed, larger bandwidth, and faster network
response time. 2. Network capacity will become larger and larger, and users need to consider
more users, larger network traffic and higher performance. 3. The network architecture will never remain the same. Design should
consider greater flexibility, easier to change network configuration and greater
manageability. * * * * * * LIV is a professional data center to set up a company, with a group of
professional team intimate attention to customer requirements, and provide
quality services. For more information about 'The three inevitable laws of the future
development of the network',please visit : http://livservices.com.hk Address: Unit 4, 4/F., Hung Tai Industrial Building,37-39 Hung To Road, Kwun
Tong, Hong Kong Tel: 852 3106 3235
联系人 | 創世 |