首页 光电子/激光器件 现货出租、出售Agilent8168C可调谐激光源


发布时间 2018-11-21 收藏 分享
价格 面议
品牌 Agilent
区域 全国
来源 法澜克仪器设备(深圳)有限公司


gilent / HP 8168C - Tunable Laser Source 1550nm 2.5dBm

This unit operates in the 1550nm window.

A built in side mode filter ensures that a true single mode laser line is generated for every 

wavelength point eliminating any possible multimoding.

A 0.001nm resolution also makes this unit valuable for heterodyne measurements and coherent 


This unit provide independent control of output power and wavelength.

Agilent / HP 8168A Key Points:

? Single mode operation at each wavelength.

? Accurate and fast tuning.

? Independent control of power and wavelength.

? Easily ordered bundles to measure component loss.

? Measurement and documentation capabilities available without computer.

? Measurements routines to measure loss, return loss and coupling ratios automatically.

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