首页 频率计 现货出租、出售EXFO WA-7600光波长计

现货出租、出售EXFO WA-7600光波长计

发布时间 2018-11-21 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 全国
来源 法澜克仪器设备(深圳)有限公司


WA-7600 and WA-7100 Optical Channel Analyzers employ proven scanning Michelson interferometer-based Wavemeter technology to determine the absolute wavelength of an optical signal under test by comparing its interference fringe pattern with that of a built-in HeNe laser wavelength standard. Unlike other wavelength meters, all factors that can affect wavelength measurement are accounted for, ensuring the highest possible accuracy. The absolute wavelength specification has a confidence level of 3 σ, meaning 99.6 % of measurements fall within specification limits. To ensure accuracy, all Wavemeter systems are traceable to recognized standards.

  Simultaneous Wavelength and Power Measurement

  Combining proven scanning Michelson interferometer-based technology with advanced digital processing results in the ability to measure and differentiate the absolute wavelengths of up to 256 discrete optical signals. The accuracy of these measurements is ? 0.3 pm. What’s more, the WA-7600 can simultaneously measure the individual powers of the optical signals. In addition to the WA-7600, EXFO also offers the WA-7100 Wavemeter Multiline Optical Channel Analyzer. Identical to the WA-7600, it offers an absolute wavelength uncertainty of ? 1.5 pm, providing a lower-cost alternative.

  High-Resolution Optical Spectral Analysis

  Unlike other multiwavelength meters, the WA-7600 and WA-7100 Wavemeter provide the full optical spectrum on a clear, easy-to-read display, for the most precise DWDM channel analysis. Spectral resolution is as high as 30 pm, resulting in a narrow, sharp-edged spectral response. Discrimination between closely spaced DWDM channels is easily achieved for current 100 GHz and 50 GHz channel spacing and future 25 GHz channel spacing.

  Automatic Calculation Increases Productivity

  The WA-7600 and WA-7100 automatically process measurement data, providing critical DWDM system performance information. In addition to resolving the individual optical carriers and accurately confirming their wavelengths and powers, the WA-7600 and WA-7100 calculate parameters such as channel spacing and OSNR.

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