首页 温度变送器 北京远东罗斯蒙特(ROSEMOUNT) 导轨式温度变送器 248RANAQ4

北京远东罗斯蒙特(ROSEMOUNT) 导轨式温度变送器 248RANAQ4

发布时间 2019-02-13 收藏 分享
价格 1350.00
品牌 罗斯蒙特
区域 全国
来源 西安精敏设备有限公司


北京远东罗斯蒙特(ROSEMOUNT) 导轨式温度变送器 248RANAQ4  

订货型号:         248RANAQ4 导轨式温度变送器

订货型号:         248RANA导轨式温度变送器  


公司Q Q:           3432299782、3105426313

电    话:         18066732790、13379286535 (微信同步)


公司名称:         西安精敏机电

Company Name:      Xi'an Jing Min Electro-Mechanical-Equipment Co., Ltd


Industry’s best total performance,a a flexible Coplanar platform,and installed five-year stability,has made the Rosemount 3051 the standard in pressure measurement.


Inustry’s best-in-class total performance of ?0.15%

Total performance is the true measure of “real-world”transmitter performance. Using superior sensor technology and engineered for optimal performance,the 3051 delivers unprecedented ?0.04% reference accuracy,resulting in total operating performance of ?0.15%. Superior total performance equates to reduced variability and improved plant safety.




Features of the Model 248 include:

l Accepts inputs from a wide variety of RTD and thermocouple sensors

l Configuration using HART protocol

l Electronics that are completely encapsulated in epoxy and enclosed in a plastic housing, making the transmitter extremely durable and ensuring long-term reliability

l A compact size and three housing options allowing mounting flexibility in the field

l Assembly including the transmitter,sensor, housing, thermowell, and extension accessories that can be ordered in one model number


订货型号:         248RANAQ4 导轨式温度变送器

订货型号:         248RANA导轨式温度变送器  


公司Q Q:           3432299782、3105426313

电    话:         18066732790、13379286535 (微信同步)


公司名称:         西安精敏机电

Company Name:      Xi'an Jing Min Electro-Mechanical-Equipment Co., Ltd

联系人 杨倩
18066732790 3105426313
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