首页 网站制作 TT系統適合哪些場合


发布时间 2019-06-25 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 香港特别行政区 - 香港特别行政区
来源 Inspirr網頁設計公司






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地址: 香港觀塘鴻圖道37-39號鴻泰工業大廈4樓4室



Which occasions is suitable for the TT system?

Since the grounding device is in the vicinity of the device in the TT system, the probability of disconnection of the PE wire is small and easy to be found.

When the TT system equipment is in normal operation, the outer casing is not charged. When the fault occurs, the high potential of the outer casing will not be transmitted to the whole system along the PE line. Therefore, the TT system is suitable for power supply of voltage-sensitive data processing equipment and precision electronic equipment, and has advantages in applications such as explosion and fire hazards.

The TT system can significantly reduce the fault voltage on the leakage equipment, but generally cannot be reduced to a safe range. Therefore, the TT system must be equipped with a leakage protection device or an overcurrent protection device, and the former is preferred.

The TT system is mainly used for low-voltage users, that is, for small users who are not equipped with distribution transformers and that introduce low-voltage power from the outside.

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LIV is a professional data center to set up a company, with a group of professional team intimate attention to customer requirements, and provide quality services.

For more information about 'Which occasions is suitable for the TT system?',please visit : http://livservices.com.hk

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Tel: 852 3106 3235

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