首页 网站制作 如何識別普通交換機和POE交換機?


发布时间 2019-08-06 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 香港特别行政区 - 香港特别行政区
来源 Inspirr網頁設計公司



1. 看產品標籤:正規廠家出廠的產品都會有產品標籤,品牌廠家出廠的POE交換機,其產品型號會帶有P,表示帶有POE功能。

2. 看交換機面板:部分品牌會將交換機名稱和型號印在交換機面板上,且面板上的LED指示燈也會帶有POE標誌。

3. 看電源參數:如果電源適配器上的參數,其供電電壓一欄為48V,為POE交換機,如果為9V / 12V通常是普通交換機。

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How to identify common switches and POE switches?

1. Look at the product label: The products shipped from regular manufacturers will have product labels. The POE switches manufactured by the brand manufacturers will have P with the product model, indicating POE function.

2. Look at the switch panel: Some brands will print the switch name and model on the switch panel, and the LED indicator on the panel will also carry the POE mark.

3. Look at the power parameters: If the parameters on the power adapter, the power supply voltage column is 48V, which is a POE switch. If it is 9V / 12V, it is usually a normal switch.

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