价格 | 13800.00元 |
品牌 | 亚洲大装饰展 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 上海现代国际展览有限公司 |
2020上海绿色建材与装饰精品博览会-第31届国际例会 ES BUILD亚洲绿色建筑建材展 ES BUILD The First Exhibition of Green Building Exhibition in Asia 展会宗旨:全面提供绿色建筑整体解决方案,促进地产工程项目对接 Orientation: Providing the overall solution to green buildings; Promoting the linkage of real estate projects 第三十一届中国(上海)国际绿色建材及室内装饰博览会 The 31th China (Shanghai) International Construction Material and Indoor Decoration Expo 展览时间: 2020年7月15-17日 Information Time: From July 15th to July 17th in 2020 展览地点:上海浦东新国际博览中心(龙阳路2345号) Address: Shanghai New International Expo Center (No. 2345, Longyang Road) 展览规模: 100000平方米(E1-E7 ) Scale: 100000㎡(E1-E7) 主办单位:中国贸促会建设行业分会 上海市建筑材料行业协会 上海现代国际展览有限公司 Organizers: China Urban Development Committee of CCPIT Shanghai Building Materials Industry Association Shanghai New International Expo Center 鸣谢单位: 中国建筑卫生陶瓷协会 中国建筑环境设计产业联盟 全国房地产商会联盟 上海市建设科技推广中心 Acknowledgement: China Building and Sanitary Ceramics Association China Building Environment and Design Industry Alliance China Real Estate Commerce Chamber Shanghai Center for Promoting Building Materials 展示内容 高档建筑装饰设计: 别墅/豪宅设计公司、酒店/会所设计公司、建筑规划设计公司、工程承包设计公司、设计软件、模型及咨询服务等; Exhibits: High-end architectural decoration design: villa / luxury design companies, hotel / club design companies, architectural planning and design companies, engineering contracting and design companies, software design, model and consulting services and etc; 新型建筑涂料: 内墙面涂料、外墙面涂料、地坪涂料、防水涂料、防火涂料、保温隔热涂料、防腐防霉涂料、木器涂料、氟碳涂料、防粘贴涂料、光伏涂料、UV涂料、真石漆、岩片漆、水性漆及硅藻泥装饰材料等。 New building coatings: interior wall coatings, exterior wall coatings, floor coatings, waterproof coatings, fire retardant coatings, thermal insulation coatings, antiriot and preservative coating, wood coatings, fluorocarbon coatings, anti-sticking coating, photovoltaic coating, UV coating , lacquer, rock slice paint, water paint and diatom ooze and etc. 新型建筑板材: 石膏板、GRC装饰线条、铝塑板、生态透光树脂板、装饰地板、阳光板、人造石台面、舒乐舍板、保温隔热板、3T板、胶合板、密度板、刨花板、防火板、装饰木线条、PVC线条、铝线条等; New building panel: Gypsum panels, GRC decorative lines, aluminum-plastic panels, eco-transparent resin panels, decorative floors, sun panels, artificial stone countertops, SRC Panel, heat-preservative and insulating panels, 3T panels, plywood, density board, shaving board, board fireproofing, decorative wood lines, PVC lines, aluminum lines and etc. 装饰配套材料: 美缝剂、瓷缝剂、填缝剂、UV固化涂料、装饰胶粘剂、密封胶、界面砂浆与施工工具; Decorative Materials: sealant, tile grout, caulks, UV curing coatings, decorative adhesives, sealants, interface treating mortar and construction tools; 吸音隔音材料及高档装饰品: 各类电视背景墙、软包集成墙、软木墙板、吸音板、隔断、吸声墙面、吸声室、吸音涂料、建筑陶瓷面砖等。 软包墙饰:皮革软硬包、布艺软硬包、陶瓷软包、静音软包、防潮软包等; 高档室内装饰品:墙壁装饰开关插座、装饰画、建筑马赛克、装饰线条、工艺摆件、挂件、树脂板等; 饰面板类:石材、人造玉石、高晶板、石膏板、木材饰面板、竹制饰面板、金属饰面板、3D板等 各类铁艺、木器、壁炉、地毯、灯饰、手工艺品、水族画、墙纸等; Materials of acoustic absorption and sound?insulation and upscale decoration: Various types of TV background wall, flexible packaging integration wall, cork wall panels, sound-absorbing panels, partition, sound-absorbing walls, sound-absorbing rooms, sound-absorbing paint and etc; Flexible packaging wall decoration: soft & hard leather package, soft & hard cloth package, soft ceramic package, soft mute package, soft moisture-proof package and etc; Interior upscale decoration: switch socket on walls, decorative painting, architectural mosaic, decorative lines, decoration proce, pendants, resin boards, etc. Decorative panels: stone, artificial jade, crystal plate, high-crystal board, gypsum board, wood veneer, bamboo veneer, metal veneer, 3D board and etc; Various types of iron-made arts, carpentry, fireplaces, carpets, lighting, handicrafts, aquarium paintings, wallpaper, etc. 集成/定制家居:全屋定制家居、橱柜、衣柜、吊顶、移门、整套家装实木制品等相关配件和材料。 Integrated / Customized furnishings: customized furnishings, cabinetry, wardrobe, ceiling, sliding door, a complete set of furnishing solid woodworks and related accessories and materials; 天花、吊顶、隔断系统: 金属天花、树脂天花、拉蓬天花、石膏板吊顶材料、金属孔板吊顶、矿棉板吊顶、硅酸钙吊顶等。 Ceiling, suspended ceiling, partition system: metal ceiling, resin ceiling, la?punt?ceilings, gypsum board materials for ceiling, metallic perforated plate ceiling, mineral wool board ceiling, calcium metasilicate ceiling and etc. 建筑装饰玻璃: 智能调光玻璃、幕墙玻璃、防火玻璃、艺术玻璃、镀膜玻璃、彩印玻璃、玻璃瓦等。 Architectural features glass: smart glass, glass wall, fire-resistant glass, art glass, coated glass, color glass, glass tile and etc. 建筑装饰五金:门控五金、智能门锁、智能晾衣架及组件、卫浴配件、幕墙五金、家具五金等。 管件管材、自动门、车库门、卷帘门及门控五金、卫浴及配件、幕墙及五金等。 Building decoration hardware: door control hardware, smart door lock, smart clothes rack and components, bathroom accessories, curtain wall hardware, furniture hardware, etc. Pipe fittings, automatic doors, garage doors, shutter doors and door control hardware, bathroom and its accessories, curtain wall hardware and etc. 精品陶瓷卫浴:建筑陶板、智能卫浴、装饰马赛克、大理石、文化石、装饰砖、砂岩雕塑等。 Competitive ceramic bathroom: building ceramic plate, smart bathroom, decorative mosaic, decorative marble, cultural stone, decorative brick, sandstone sculpture and s etc. 建筑建材生产加工设备:雕刻机、UV平板机、喷涂设备等。 Building materials production and processing equipment: engraving machine, UV flatbed, spraying equipment and etc. 目标观众群体 地产开发商、室内设计师、装修工程公司、高端地产业主 Targeted Audiences: Real estate developers, interior designers, decoration companies, high-end real estate owners 市政建筑设计、酒店室内设计师、会所室内装饰设计师等 Municipal building design, interior designers for hotel, interior designers for club 建筑装饰/园林绿化工程公司、工程管理公司、厂房(仓库)承建单位 Building decoration / landscaping engineering company, engineering management company, plant (warehouse) contractor. 酒店、公园、度假村、建材超市经营单位 Hotels, parks, resorts, building materials supermarket (business units) 建筑材料经销商/代理商、国内外贸易买家 Building materials dealers / agents, domestic and foreign trade buyers 媒体、相关协会及大专院校专家等 Media, related associations and experts of vocational institutes 参展费用 标准展位(3m?3m)=9m2 Standard Booth: (3m?3m)=9m2 光地(起租用面积为36 m2,光地地毯、水、电、气及特殊装修管理费等另算,双开口展位加10%费用。) Bare Space(The lowest renting area is 36㎡; Extra fee for carpet, water, electricity, gas and management for special decoration; another 10% fee for corner booth) 展位类型 国际区 国内区 标准展位 国际展商 国内展商 RMB 13800 USD 2800 RMB 15800 光地/m2 USD 280 RMB 1580 RMB 1380 Type International Pavilion Domestic Pavilion Standard Booth International Exhibitors Domestic Exhibitors RMB 13800 USD 2800 RMB 15800 Bare Space/㎡ USD 280 RMB 1580 RMB 1380 会刊广告:(展会会刊:尺寸140mm?210mm): Advertising in the Show Catalogue( Show Catalogue: 140mm?210mm) 封二:RMB 12,000 封三:RMB 10,000 封 底:RMB15,000元 门 票:5000元/万张 Inside the Front Cover: RMB 12000 Inside the Back Cover: RMB 10000 Back Cover: 15000 Ticket: 5000 RMB for 10000 tickets 内页:RMB 6,000 礼品袋广告:18000元/5000只(尺寸295?410mm) Inside Page: RMB 6000 Advertisement on gift bags: 18000 RMB for 5000 pieces (295?410mm) 展位申请及安排 参展企业认真填写?参展申请及合约?并加盖公章传真或通过邮件形式至组委会。 Booth Application and Arrangement Exhibitors fill in and seal the Exhibition Application and Contract and then send to the Committee through fax and E-mail. 参展企业申请得到组委会确认后,一周内将参展费用[50%(预付款)或全款]电汇或交至组委会,其余展位费需在展览会开幕一个月前付清。 After receiving the confirmation of the committee, exhibitors should pay the fee[ 50% (advance payment) or full payment ] in a week, the rest fee should be paid in a month before the opening of the show. 参展咨询及联络方式 地 址:上海市卢湾区普安路128号淮海大厦东楼1701室 Enquiry and Contacts Address: Room 1701, East Huaihai Building, No 128, Puan Road, Luwan District, Shanghai. 邮 编:201102 Postcode: 201102 电 话:86-21-6493 0922 Phone Number: 86-21-6493 0922 联系人:刘 岩 Contact Person:Liu Yan 手 机:13524502776(兼微信) Telephone Number:13524502776 Q Q:1745390656 E-mail: 1745390656@QQ.com
联系人 | 刘岩 |