价格 | 12800.00元 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 上海展窑展览服务有限公司 |
2021上海国际餐饮食品博览会详细内容 Shanghai International Exhibition for the Food,Drink,Hotel,Catering,Foodservice & Bakery Industries 2021 时间:2021年6月23日-25日 地点:中国?上海世贸展览馆 Date: June 23-25, 2021 Venue: Shanghaimart,China 上海餐饮食品展、中国食餐会、上海食品餐饮展、上海餐饮食品饮料博览会 指导单位?Guidance unit 国际美食餐饮行业协会 International Association of Gastronomic and Catering Industries 中国食品工业协会冷冻冷藏食品专业委员会 Refrigerated and Frozen Foods Committee of China National Food Industry Association 亚洲国际餐饮协会丨Asian International Catering Association 世界酒店业联盟丨World Hotel Association 主办单位?Hosted by 全国食文化联盟丨National Food Culture Alliance 日用品行业协会酒店用品专业委员会 Hotel Supplies Commission of Shanghai Commodity Association 中国315诚信企业联盟食品安全诚信工作委员会 全国水产冻品联盟丨CAPPMA-CAFFA 中国欧洲经济技术合作协会葡萄与葡萄酒产业分会 承办单位?Organized by 上海展窑展览服务有限公司Shanghai Kilnexpo Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd. 支持单位?Supported by 越南渔业水产协会丨Vietnam fisheries and Fisheries Association 澳洲肉类及畜牧行业协会丨Australian Meat and Livestock Industry Association 上海市食品学会丨Shanghai Society of Food Science 浙江省酒店用品协会丨Zhejiang Hotel Supplies Association 上海进口食品协会丨Shanghai Import Food Association 山东省食文化研究会丨Shandong Society of Food Culture 中国冻品联盟丨China Frozen Foods Alliance 中国国际厨师协会丨Chinese International Chefs Association 江苏省餐饮行业协会丨Jiangsu Province Dining Profession Association 浙江燃气具和厨具行业协会丨Zhejiang Gas Appliances and Kitchenware Industry Association 广东省餐饮服务行业协会丨GuangDong Restaurant Association 山东省厨具协会丨Shandong kitchen utensils Association 各地食品工业协会丨All places of China National Food Industry Association 全国旅游饭店业与餐饮协会丨National association of Turist Hotel and Restaurant 各地食文化研究会 上海万润国际酒店用品市场、宁夏商务厅展团、马来西亚展团、美国冷王、蓝威斯顿、泰国Boonyakeat、正大食品、太太乐、九曳供应链、上海卓美酒店用品、创历制冷、酒食酒、赛卓、东玉玻璃、赛特冷链、浙江永创、西克制冷、安鲜达、酸辣粉、广东乡谷村、味泰供应链、千味央厨、爱焙乐、上海酒总酒店设备、惊石农业、江苏裕灌、广东珠江桥、海圣生物、每天果、集泰食品、爱杯、冷联天下、大连盖世、联源机械、浙江碧海仙、华欧、咖顿、盛琍发、欣发食品、康帅、凌云思、钰彩包装、永乐食品、好侍食品、传奇陶瓷、上海太易、九阳、仲景等 image1.jpeg 同期举行?Alongside 咖啡与茶、饮料与酒、食品食材、水产及冷链、连锁加盟、中央厨房、餐饮用品和加工机械八大主题系列专区,酒店及餐饮业一站式采购平台。 Coffee and tea, beverage and wine, food and catering, seafood and cold chain, chain franchise, central kitchen, consumables and processing machinery eight thematic series of special areas, Hotel and catering industry one-stop procurement platform. ■展会概况| Exhibition Overview: 近年来,中国消费者对在国内市场采购到与进口食品一样的高质量产品的需求渴望日益显著。据中国烹饪协会近期报告显示,2017年,中国市场的食品消费估计为3.9万亿元人民币,比2016同期增长10.7%。2018年,全国40,908家规模以上食品工业企业实现主营业务收入9.0万亿元;预计到2020年底,中国餐饮行业的营业额将超过5万亿元。作为华东地区专业的餐饮设备、食品饮料贸易盛会,2020年展会吸引了来自土耳其、英国、美国、泰国、西班牙、新加坡、俄罗斯、摩尔多瓦、马来西亚、韩国、日本、意大利、法国、巴西、澳大利亚、越南、台湾、香港等28个国家和地区以及国内多个省市的562家参展商携丰富产品集体亮相,共接待观众31,280人次,其中专业观众26,901人次,展览会总面积突破30,000平方米。为满足中国和亚洲市场对高品质食品、饮料、酒店、餐饮等需求的增长,2021上海国际餐饮设备及食品饮料博览会拥有丰富的卖家、买家资源以及精彩纷呈的配套活动,为国内外生产商、经销商、零售商、专家学者、爱好者和消费者以及酒店餐饮相关人士能够与企业进行面对面的经销洽谈、商贸合作、经验交流创造一个直接和有效的平台,下届展会预计将比以往规模更大、品质更好! 作为国际**的食品餐饮及酒店设备博览会,将继续**企业进军中国市场,共筑国际酒店与餐饮业重要的盛宴! In recent years, Chinese consumers have become increasingly eager to procure high-quality products like imported food in the domestic market. According to a recent report by the Chinese Cuisine Association, food consumption in the Chinese market is estimated to be 3.9 trillion yuan in 2017, up 10.7% from the same period in 2016. In 2018, 40908 food industry enterprises with above-scale nationwide realized their main business income of 900 million yuan.and the turnover of the Chinese catering industry is expected to exceed 5 trillion yuan by the end of 2020. As a professional catering equipment and food and beverage trade event in East China, Exhibition attracted 2020 from Turkey, The UK, the United States, Thailand, Spain, Singapore, Russia, moldova, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Italy, France, Brazil, Australia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong more than 28 countries and regions and domestic provinces and cities in 562 exhibitors collective appearance with rich products, A total of 31,280 audiences were received, including 26,901 from professional buyers and audience, and the total area of the exhibition exceeded 30,000 ㎡. In order to meet the growing demand for high-quality food, beverages and hotel, catering in China and Asia, The 12th International Exhibition for the Food,Drink,Hotel,Catering,Foodservice & Bakery Industries has a wealth of sellers, buyers and wonderful matching activities, for domestic and foreign manufacturers, distributors, retailers, experts and scholars, enthusiasts, consumers and hotel catering stakeholders can face-to-face marketing negotiations, business cooperation, experience exchange to create a most direct and effective platform, the next exhibition is expected to be larger than before, better quality! As a leading international food catering and hotel equipment exhibition, will continue to lead brand enterprises into the Chinese market, building an important feast of international hotel and catering industry! 同期举办?Co-located 2021上海国际酒店及餐饮业供应商交易会 Shanghai International Hotel & Catering Suppliers Fair 2021 FLCE CHINA 2021上海国际生鲜配送及冷冻冷链冷库技术设备展览会 Shanghai International Fresh Logistics & Cold Chain Cold Storage Technology Equipment Exhibition 2021 ■同期活动?Concurrent Events(筹划中): 2021第五届中国餐饮与冷链物流创新发展高峰论坛 The 5th China's Catering and Cold chain Logistics Innovation Development peak BBS. ——创建中国餐饮流通新时代,将围绕“让食品流通?顺心,让食物消费?安心”展开丰富多样的主题演讲,诚邀国内外水产海鲜、肉类食品、餐饮企业、火锅产业、果蔬、乳制品、冷冻食品、农产品、冷链物流、冷链技术设备和连锁加盟行业人士前来一聚,以及相关协会领导和专家学者,共筑中国食材流通新时代! 本次论坛 3000 元/人(含:会议费、资料费、午餐费),交通、住宿(可推荐酒店)自理。注:5 月 1 日前报名9 折优惠。(详情见附件1) 上海团餐产品展示交流会展 上海火锅美食文化节 Shanghai Hotpot Cuisine Culture Festival 上海素食、果蔬文化节 Shanghai Vegetarian, Fruit and Vegetable Culture Festival 上海时尚饮品节 Shanghai fashion drinks Festival 咖啡拉花艺术大赛 Coffee flower art competition 中国创意菜烹饪大赛暨酒店特色食材推介会 National Creative Hotel Food Cooking Contest and Hotel Special Ingredients Event “舌尖上的海味”水产海鲜推介品鉴会 A Bite of Seafood-Introduction and Tasting Meeting of Seafood 上海美食美器烹饪展示大赛 冷冻食品技术应用与市场研讨论坛 酒店及餐饮行业采购商配对洽谈会 Hotel & Catering buyer pairing meeting image2.jpeg ■展品范围?Scope of exhibits: ◇糖果、巧克力、乳制品、面包糕点、果汁、软饮料、罐装食品、休闲食品、冷藏食品、调味品及果酱、风干食品、冷冻食品、水果、蔬菜、绿色食品、冰淇淋、添加剂、橄榄油、意大利面制品、专用标签产品; ◇鱼、蟹、贝壳、龙虾、三文鱼、牛肉、羊肉、猪肉、家禽、清真肉、内脏制品、加工肉制品、加工海洋制品; ◇茶、糖浆、白咖啡、速溶咖啡、咖啡豆、咖啡机、烘豆机; ◇低温发酵啤酒、麦酒、黑啤酒、小麦啤酒、手工啤酒; ◇食品餐饮设备、比萨饼设备、餐具及配件、展示及储藏、冷冻 / 冷藏设备、包装材料、咖啡及饮料服务设备、面包糕点及糖果制成品、面包及糖果设备、配料 / 防腐剂 / 香精等。 ?Candies, chocolates, dairy products, bread pastries, fruit juices, soft drinks, canned foods, snack foods, refrigerated foods, condiments and jams, air-dried foods, frozen foods, fruits, vegetables, green foods, ice cream, additives, olive oil, pasta products, special label products; ?Fish、Crab、Shellfish、Lobster、Salmon、Beef、Lamb、Pork、Poultry、Halal Meat、Offal、Processed Meat、Processed Seafood; ?Tea、Syrup、White Coffee、Instant Coffee、Coffee Bean、Coffee Machine、Coffee Roaster、Accessories; ?Cold fermented beer、Pale ALE、Black beer / Stout、Wheat beer、Craft beer; ?Packaging Materials、Food Catering Equipment、Pizza Equipment、Tableware & Accessories、Display & Storage、Chilling / Freezing Equipment、Coffee & Beverage Service Equipment、Industrial Bakery & Confectionery Eq、Ingredients / Agents / Essences、Bakery & Confectionery / Finished Pr、Retail Bakery & Confectionery Equipm. ■参展费用?Booth Rate: ★豪华展位:(注:双面开口加收10%费用) A:国内企业:16800.00/展期(RMB) 3m?3m B:国外企业: 4800.00/展期(USD) 3m?3m ★标准展位:3m?3m国内企业:RMB 12800.00/个;国外企业:$ 3800.00/个 注:标准展位(包括:三面白色壁板、中(英)文楣牌制作、咨询桌一张、折椅二张、地毯满铺、展位照明、220V/5a电源插座一个(特殊用电请事先说明,另行收费)、废纸篓一个。 ★室内光地: A:国内企业:1300.00(RMB)/平方米/展期 B:国外企业: 380.00(USD)/平方米/展期 注:(至少36平方米起租)“光地”只提供参展空间,不包括展架、展具、地毯、电源等。 会刊广告:◇封面 25000元 ◇封二 18000元 ◇彩首 12000元 ◇封三 15000元,◇封底 20000元 ◇彩色内页 8000元 ◇彩色内页对开 15000元; 注:会刊尺寸140mm(宽)?210mm(高) ◇参观证 50000元/3万张 ◇手提袋广告 50000元/1万个 ◇门票广告 20000元/1万张 ◇条幅广告 12000元/幅 ◇拱门 18000/个 ◇5米*3米广告牌 20000/个; ★ 新产品新技术发布会:每场10,000元/45分钟,国外企业3000.00(USD) ★ 行业特别协办单位18万,限1家;协办单位128,000,限2家;招待晚宴协办单位108,000元,限1家(详情见附件1、2、3)。
联系人 | ximingyang |