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監控系統使用Fiber Optic Cable佈線時要注意什麼?

发布时间 2020-07-16 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 香港特别行政区 - 香港特别行政区
来源 Inspirr網頁設計公司


如今很多監控佈線系統大部分都採用Fiber Optic Cable傳輸,因為Fiber Optic Cable不僅傳輸院、信號衰減小,而且抗干擾能力突出。

那麼,監控系統使用Fiber Optic Cable佈線時要注意什麼?

1.了解Fiber Optic Cable特性,由於Fiber Optic Cable線徑細、重量輕,在Fiber Optic Cable佈線時要注意避免Fiber Optic Cable受力彎曲,防止折斷Fiber Optic Cable的光導纖維。

2.選擇Fiber Optic Cable時,應根據不同類別工程要求,選擇相適應的Fiber Optic Cable設備。

3.監控工程大多使用單模Fiber Optic Cable,所以採購設備時選擇支持單模Fiber Optic Cable設備就可以。

4.Fiber Optic Cable的熔接方式分熱熔和冷接,冷接穩定性不好,所以監控工程大多選擇熱熔。

5.Fiber Optic Cable佈線時要預留Fiber Optic Cable到地下1~2米處,同時要做好標牌,以便日後調試和維護。

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What should be paid attention to when the monitoring system uses Fiber Optic Cable wiring?

1. Understand the characteristics of Fiber Optic Cable. Because Fiber Optic Cable has a thin diameter and light weight, pay attention to avoid bending the Fiber Optic Cable under stress and prevent the Optic Cable from breaking.

2. When choosing Fiber Optic Cable, you should choose the appropriate Fiber Optic Cable equipment according to different types of engineering requirements.

3. Most monitoring projects use single-mode Fiber Optic Cable, so you can choose to support single-mode Fiber Optic Cable equipment when purchasing equipment.

4. The fusion method of Fiber Optic Cable is divided into hot fusion and cold connection, and the cold connection stability is not good, so most monitoring projects choose hot fusion.

5. When Fiber Optic Cable is wired, it is necessary to reserve Fiber Optic Cable to 1~2 meters underground, and at the same time, it is necessary to make a sign for future commissioning and maintenance.

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