价格 | 25.00元 |
品牌 | 新意护栏 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 佛山安永特金属制品有限公司 |
惠州工厂围墙围栏 定做锌合金阳台栏杆围栏 公路养护处围栏 Huizhou factory fence custom-made zinc alloy balcony railing fence highway maintenance site fence 小区围墙栅栏常见的规格有:四横杆带双花,三横杆带一花,三横杆,二横杆,弯弧型及非标护栏 The common specifications of fences in residential areas are: four cross bars with double flowers, three cross bars with one flower, three cross bars, two cross bars, curved arc type and non-standard guardrails 横梁用的管材型号:32*32、 40*40、 45*45、 50*50、 60*60mm Pipe type for beam: 32 * 32, 40 * 40, 45 * 45, 50 * 50, 60 * 60MM 竖管用的管材型号:16*16、 20*20、 25*25、 30*30mm Pipe type for vertical pipe: 16 * 16, 20 * 20, 25 * 25, 30 * 30MM 椭圆管:12*25mm Oval tube: 12 * 25MM 立柱用的管材型号:40*40、 50*50、 60*60、80*80mm Pipe type for column: 40 * 40, 50 * 50, 60 * 60, 80 * 80mm
联系人 | 徐小平 |