价格 | 25.00元 |
品牌 | 新意护栏 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 佛山安永特金属制品有限公司 |
德式护栏包安装 深圳人行道隔离栏 交通隔离道路护栏 Installation of Shenzhen sidewalk barrier and traffic barrier 发货前我们的货物都有严格的包装,收到货物后,请及时检查货物情况。 Our goods are strictly packed before delivery. Please check the condition of the goods in time after receiving the goods. 如您收到的货物有破损、变形、被挤压以及开裂或者数量不对等情况。 If the goods you receive are damaged, deformed, crushed and cracked or the quantity is not correct. 请联系客服 并拍下现场照片,我们会妥善处理。 Please contact customer service as soon as possible and take photos of the scene. We will handle them properly. 未检查就签收,后果买家要全部承担。 The buyer shall bear all the consequences if he signs without inspection. 现货供应道路中央隔离栏 人行道围栏 茂名京式道路护栏 Spot supply road central barrier sidewalk fence Maoming Beijing style road guardrail
联系人 | 徐小平 |