价格 | 15.00元 |
品牌 | 新意护栏 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 佛山安永特金属制品有限公司 |
锌钢道路护栏 肇庆 京式护栏包施工 人行道隔离栏 Zinc steel road guardrail Zhaoqing Beijing style guardrail construction sidewalk barrier 道路护栏是守护绿色的无言卫士,道路护栏与精心打造的建筑物。 Road guardrail is the silent guard to guard the green, road guardrail and carefully built buildings. 活动区域、景观和谐般配,现在在建设的时候再也不能也不应黑色一片。 The activity area and landscape match harmoniously. Now, we can't and should not be black in the construction. 灰暗单调、沉闷呆板、粗糙蹩脚、不伦不类。 Gray monotonous, dull and dull, rough and poor, incoherent.
联系人 | 徐小平 |