价格 | 15.00元 |
品牌 | 新意护栏 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 佛山安永特金属制品有限公司 |
厂家负责人:15918648146 徐小平 茂名定制黄金色道路护栏 市政莲花黄金护栏 Maoming custom golden road guardrail municipal lotus gold guardrail 分隔功能:交通护栏将机动车、非机动车和行人交通分隔。 Separation function: traffic barrier separates motor vehicle, non motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic. 将道路在断面上进行纵向分隔,使机动车、非机动车和行人分道行驶。 The road is divided longitudinally on the section, so that motor vehicles, non motor vehicles and pedestrians can drive separately. 立柱规格为58*82、85*85、120*120的立柱) Column specification: 58 * 82, 85 * 85, 120 * 120) 上下横杆均为20*46、36*56、62*72、40*70,的方型管 The upper and lower cross bars are square tubes of 20 * 46, 36 * 56, 62 * 72 and 40 * 70 它要求护栏有一定的高度,一定的密度(指竖栏),还要有一定的强度。 It requires a certain height of guardrail, a certain density (refers to the vertical fence), but also a certain strength. 强度高,设计上保留了传统护栏的简约风格。 High strength, the design retains the simple style of traditional guardrail. 珠海室外道路隔离栏 广州PVC市政护栏 乙型护栏 Zhuhai outdoor road barrier Guangzhou PVC municipal guardrail B guardrail
联系人 | 徐小平 |