价格 | 15.00元 |
品牌 | 买护栏找小平 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 佛山安永特金属制品有限公司 |
河道桥梁防撞护栏 高速公路两侧隔离护栏 Anti collision guardrail of River Bridge and isolation guardrail on both sides of Expressway 环境和景观要求: Environmental and landscape requirements: ①钢桥应采用金属梁柱式桥梁护栏; ① Steel bridge should adopt metal beam column bridge guardrail; ②对景观有特殊要求的桥梁宜选择梁柱式桥梁护栏或组合式桥梁护栏; ② For bridges with special landscape requirements, beam column bridge guardrail or combined bridge guardrail should be selected; ③积雪严重的地区,宜采用金属梁柱式或组合式桥梁护栏; ③ Metal beam column type or combined bridge guardrail should be used in areas with severe snow cover; ④为减少桥梁自重、减轻车辆碰撞荷载对桥面板的影响,宜采用金属梁柱式护栏; ④ In order to reduce the self weight of the bridge and reduce the impact of vehicle collision load on the bridge deck, metal beam column guardrail should be used;
联系人 | 徐小平 |