价格 | 面议 |
品牌 | 新意 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 佛山安永特金属制品有限公司 |
厂家直销沟盖板 锅炉房排水沟用格栅板可定制 The grating plate for drainage ditch of boiler room can be customized 钢格板的优越性表现及产品应用采矿业的行业得到了很好的发展。 The superiority performance and product application of steel grillage, the mining industry has been very good development. 钢格板节省钢材的使用量:承受相同载荷条件下节省钢板用量。 Steel grid saves steel consumption: steel plate consumption is saved under the same load condition. 相应地可减少支承结构的材料。 Accordingly, the material of supporting structure can be reduced. 外观现代气派:外形美观,设计规范,通风透光。 Modern appearance: beautiful appearance, standard design, ventilation and light transmission.
联系人 | 徐小平 |