首页 调节阀 西门子调节阀VVF42C/VXF42C法兰座阀PN16水阀DN25-150


发布时间 2024-02-29 收藏 分享
价格 999.00
品牌 西门子
区域 全国
来源 济南工达捷能科技发展有限公司


From the large-stroke valve line. For chilled, low and high temperature water and brine.

● Performance valves for medium temperatures from -10…150℃

● Valve body of grey cast iron EN-GJL-250 or higher

● DN 25…150

● kvs 6.3…400 m3/h

● Flange type 21, flange design B

● VVF42..KC with pressure compensation to handle high differential pressure

● Equipable with electro-motoric actuators SAX.., SAV… or electrohydraulic actuators SKD.., SKB.., SKC..

In boiler, district heating and refrigeration plants, cooling towers, heating groups, in ventilation and air-handling units as control or shutoff valves. VVF42..C, VXF42..C: For use in closed hydraulic circuits (observe cavitation). VVF42..KC: For use in closed or open hydraulic circuits 

联系人 贾小姐
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