价格 | 面议 |
品牌 | 三牛 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 三牛品牌策划(广州)有限公司 |
广州市三牛品牌货架是中国快时尚行业货架领导品牌,公司成立至今已经累计服务过一千多家专卖店,公司现在主要提供快时尚男装女装货架,家居日用品货架,母婴系列货架,彩妆系列货架等等,公司秉成就他人就是成就自己的服务理念,实现双赢!欢迎全国客商来公司考察! KKV潮玩集合店是艺术、设计、绘画、雕塑等多元素理念的载体,丰富了市场的很多想象。高规格、高密集能打响潮玩市场消费新业态。三牛kkv潮玩货架,是从无到有,从有到优,从综合大而全到精致小而美,为从标准化到差异化创新。 联系人:古经理 微信 (电话):13066350120 地址:广州市白云区石沙路86号石井国际大厦3号楼605B-1 Guangzhou sanniu brand shelf is the leading shelf brand in China's fast fashion industry. Since its establishment, the company has served more than 1000 exclusive stores. Now the company mainly provides fast fashion men's and women's shelves, household commodity shelves, mother and baby series shelves, color makeup series shelves, etc. the company adheres to the service concept that achieving others is achieving its own service and achieving a win-win situation! Welcome customers from all over the country to visit the company! KKV tide play collection store is the carrier of multi-element concepts such as art, design, painting and sculpture, which enriches a lot of imagination in the market. High specification and high density can start a new consumption format in the tide play market.Sanniu KKV trendy play shelves are from scratch, from existing to excellent, from comprehensive large and comprehensive to exquisite small and beautiful, which is an innovation from standardization to differentiation. Contact: Manager Gu wechat (TEL): 13066350120 Address: 605b-1, building 3, Shijing international building, No. 86, shisha Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
联系人 | 古经理 |