价格 | 面议 |
品牌 | GE模块 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 厦门圣企机电设备有限公司 |
GE模块IC646CSPWRGE模块IC646CSPWR 无线模块通信原理和作用 由于电磁信号无需电缆即可在空间中自由传播的特,因此可以远程传输语音,文本,数据和图像等信息。 但是毕竟,我们没有任何特殊功能,我们无法将电磁波直接发送到人体,也无法理解电磁信号中包含的信息。此时,有必要使 用发送和接收电磁信号并将其转换为可以直接理解的信息。 IC200DEM004UNVCN MicroMotion and VersaMotion Demo-China IC200DEM064 VersaMax Micro 64 Demo Carrying Case. Demo includes Micro 64 (IC200UDD064, DC supply, DC in and DC out) PowerCube stepper amplifier, stepping motor (MTR-1216-N-D-E-0), stepper cable (CBL-12-MP-10), PowerCube Flying Lead interface cable (IC800PCUBC02 IC200DEM103 Profinet Demo Unit. The demo consist of a RX3i Profinet controller (IC695PNC001) and VersaMax demo stand with a Profinet Slave (IC200PNS001), (2) power supplies (IC200PWR002), mixed discrete module (IC200MDD844), input simulator (IC200ACC302)and bas IC200DTX200 Operator Interface for changing timer/counter/register values. 2 x 16 character LCD backlight display and 6 operation keys. No stored messa ging, PLC stores messages. IC200DTX400 Operator Interface with up to 200 stored messages. 2 x 16 character LCD backlight display and 6 function keys. Powered via 15 pin SNP Port. IC200DTX450 Operator Interface with up to 200 stored messages. 2 x 16 character L CD backlight display and 6 function keys. IC200DTX650 Operator Interface with up to 200 stored messages. 4 x 16 character L CD backlight display and 8 function keys. IC200DTX850 Operator Interface with up to 200 stored messages. 4 x 20 character L CD backlight display, 8 function keys and numeric keypad. IC200EBI001 Remote I/O Ethernet network interface unit IC200ERM001 Expansion receiver isolated IC200ERM001CA EXPANSION RECEIVER ISOLATED CONFORMAL COATED IC200ERM002 EXPANSION RECEIVER NON-ISOLATED IC200ETM001 EXPANSION TRANSMITTER, includes IC200ACC201 termination plug. IC200ETM001CA EXPANSION TRANSMITTER CONFORMAL COATED IC200GBI001 REMOTE I/O Genius NETWORK INTERFACE UNIT IC200GBI001CA Conformal Coated REMOTE I/O Genius NETWORK INTERFACE UNIT IC200KIT001 The kit includes VersaPro (IC640VPS002), CAD files, programming cable, manuals and other tools to aid in the conversion process from Series 90 Micro to VersaMax Micro. IC200MDD840 Mixed 24VDC POS LOG input group 20 point / output relay 2.0 amp per point 12 point IC200MDD840LT MIXED 24VDC POS LOG INPUT GRP 20PT / OUTPUT RELAY 2.0A PER PT GRP 12PT (LT) IC200MDD841 Mixed 24VDC POS LOG input group 20 point / output 24VDC output 12 point. supports high speed counter/PWM/PT IC200MDD841CA Conformal coated mixed 24VDC POS LOG input group 20 point / output 24VDC output 12 point. Supports high speed counter/PWM/PT
联系人 | 黄荣生 |