价格 | 面议 |
品牌 | 美国GE模块 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 厦门圣企机电设备有限公司 |
美国GE模块IC756MDV010E-98美国GE模块IC756MDV010E-98 电源模块是可以直接贴装在印刷电路板上的电源供应器,其特点是可为专用集成电路(ASIC)、数字信号处理器 (DSP)、微处 理器、存储器、现场可编程门阵列 (FPGA) 及其他数字或模拟负载提供供电。一般来说,这类模块称为负载点 (POL) 电源供 应系统或使用点电源供应系统 (PUPS)。由于模块式结构的优点甚多,因此模块电源广泛应用于交换设备、接入设备、移动通 讯、微波通讯以及光传输、路由器等通信领域和汽车电子 电源模块的几大指标 电源模块是一种负反馈的稳压系统,其指标分为静态指标和动态指标。 静态指标输出电压精度:衡量模块的实际输出电压与标称的输出电压的差异。 电压调整率(源效应):衡量模块在不同输入电压的情况下输出电压的变化情况。 电流调整率(负载效应):衡量模块在不同输出电流的情况下输出电压的变化情况。 交叉调整率:衡量模块某一路的输出功率的变化对其他路输出电压的影响情况,仅对于双路或多路模块。 温度漂移:衡量模块在不同环境温度的情况下输出电压的变化情况。 输出电压纹波:衡量模块的输出直流电压上的交流电压成分的大小。 效率:衡量电源模块在实现电压转换和功率传输的同时自身的损耗情况。 动态指标启动过冲和启动时间:衡量电源模块在加电启动时输出电压的建立过程或稳定过程的情况。 负载阶跃响应:衡量模块在负载阶跃变化的情况下输出电压的变化情况 过冲或跌落的幅值以及恢复时间的长短。 IC695PSA140 120/240VAC, 125VDC Multipurpose Power Supply is suitable for use in load -sharing and redundancy application. It must be installed in a PACsystems RX3i (IC695catalog number) Universal Backplane. It can be used as the only power supply in the backplan IC695PSA140CA RX3i Conformal Coated 120/240VAC, 125VDC Multipurpose Power Supply is suitable for use in load-sharing and redundancy application. IC695PSD040 RX3i 24VDC power supply, 40 watts. IC695PSD040CA RX3i 24VDC power supply, 40 Watt Conformal Coated. IC695PSD040LT RX3i 24VDC Power Supply, 40 Watt Low Temperature tested IC695PSD140 Multipurpose Power Supply is suitable for use in load-sharing and redund ancy application. It must be installed in a PACsystems RX3i (IC695catalog number) Universal Backplane. IC695PSD140CA 24VDC Multipurpose Power Supply CONFORMAL COATED is suitable for use in load-sharing and redundancy application. It must be installed in a PACsystems RX3i (IC695catalog number) Universal Backplane. It can be used as the only power supply in the back IC695PSD140LT RX3i Multi function 24VDC PS, 40W Low temperature tested IC695RMX128 RX3i Redundant Memory Xchange Module for High Availability. 2Megbytes of user shared memory. Dual Genius LAN is supported using application code that is located on the ge-ip.com/support website. IC695RMX128CA Conformal coated. RX3i Redundant Memory Xchange Module for High Availability. 2Megbytes of user shared memory. IC695SOE001 RX3I SOE NIU STATION IC695SPC100 RX3i 10/100/1000base-TX (CAT5 100m) Small Form Pluggable Transceiver IC695SPF002 RX3i Single Mode, 100Base-FX (fiber 2km) Small Form Pluggable Transceiver Module IC695SPF010 RX3i Single 1000base-LX (fiber 10 km) Small Form Pluggable Transceiver Module IC695SPF550 RX3i Single Mode 100base-SX (fiber 550m) Small Form Pluggable Transceiver Module IC695STK001 RX3i Power PACkage 1 Starter Kit includes RX3i with software. (includesRX3i with software. (includes one each IC695CP305,IC695CHS012, IC695LRE001, IC695PSA040, IC695ETM001, IC694ACC300, IC694MDL940 and IC646MPP001.) Limited one RX3i starter kit per IC695STK002 RX3i Power PACkage 2 Starter Kit includes RX3i and QuickPanel View 6 inch STD with software (one each IC695CPE305/ IC695CHS012/ IC69 5LRE001/ IC695PSA040/ IC695ETM001/ IC694ACC300/ IC694MDL940/ IC754VSI06STD/ BC646MQP001/ IC646MPP001 and DC power) IC695STK003 RX3i Power PACkage 3 Starter Kit includes RX3i(CPE305)/ motion module (Servo andAmplifier sold seperately) and QuickPanel View 6 inch STD wi th software IC695STK004 RX3i Power PACkage 4 Starter Kit includes (one each IC695CPE305, IC695CHS012, IC695PSA040, IC695ETM001, IC646MPP101) IC695STK005 RX3i Power PACkage 5 Starter Kit includes (one each IC695CPE305,IC695CHS012, IC695PSA040, IC646MPP101) IC695STK006 RX3i Power PACkage 6 Starter Kit includes (one each IC695CPE305, IC695CHS012, IC695PSD040, IC695ETM001, IC646MPP101) IC695STK007 RX3i Power PACkage 7 Starter Kit includes (one each IC695CPE305, IC695CHS012, IC695PSD040, IC646MPP101) IC695STK010 RX3i Profinet Starter Kit. Limited to one per customer per customer site. Kit includes CPE305, 7 slot base, AC power supply, input and output module, Profinet controller, VersaMax Profinet slave, combination I/O and Proficy Machine Edition. IC695STK011 RX3i and RSTi Profinet Starter Kit. Limited to one per customer per customer site. Kit includes CPE305, 7 slot base, AC power supply, input and output module, Profinet controller, RSTi Profinet starter kit (STXKITPNS001)and Proficy Machine Edition. IC697ACC621 115VAC fan tray to be used with Series 90-70 or RX7i short racks. IC697ACC624 230VAC fan tray for the Series 90 70 or RX7i short racks.
联系人 | 黄晓峰 |