价格 | 38.00元 |
品牌 | 广东中护 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 广东中护围栏工程有限公司 |
锌钢厂区围墙护栏 定制铁艺镀锌栏杆 广州围墙栅栏厂家 Customized iron galvanized railings for enclosure railings in zinc steel plant area Guangzhou enclosure railings manufacturer 我公司拥有自己的工厂,非代理非中间商,给您优惠的价格;质量我们同样有,按图纸生产,您购买的货物具体规格等数据也可立合同,让您买得放心。我们不以吸引您的眼球,只凭好的产品和服务让您满意! 欢迎新老客户来厂考察 锌钢厂区围墙护栏 定制铁艺镀锌栏杆 广州围墙栅栏厂家 一、环保、节约 1、表面静电喷涂,基材为热镀锌钢管,起到电化学保护作用,由内到外防止基材锈蚀、褪色、老化等现象。 2、下埋式、地脚版式的安装方式,既节约了您建筑基费,也节约了土地资源。 采用组装式整体框架结构,安装方便快捷,有利于施工 Phosphating and electrostatic spraying. Hot dip galvanized pipe phosphating electrostatic spraying. Multi layer protection, with a service life of more than 15 years 3 beautiful: no maintenance, rain wash can be as bright as new. 4. Anti theft: assembled connection, i-card mode. The riser slides or is damaged from the beam. Column and cross beam It is connected with U-shaped card and stainless steel anti-theft bolt. The whole constitutes an anti-theft system. It can not only play the role of anti-theft, but also have its own anti-theft system to carry out isolation and anti-theft to the end. 1、丰富的色调,高档的品位,兼具欧美风格和当今流行时尚,尽显高贵与现代美感。 2、与当今市面上防护产品价格相比,更加实惠,其十年以上的使用寿命,防锈蚀、防褪色、防老化等特性,减少了产品维护更新费用。 锌钢厂区围墙护栏 定制铁艺镀锌栏杆 广州围墙栅栏厂家 Enclosed fence and anti climbing isolation fence of tourist attraction Guangzhou community fence 我们是实体工厂,非贸易商中间商,随时欢迎新老客户来我们工厂考察 所有的护栏都可按照图纸要求定制 询价请电话联系:林工15918460924
联系人 | 谭经理 |