价格 | 面议 |
品牌 | 是德科技 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 深圳市承恒电子仪器有限公司 |
承恒回收Keysight 85056D 校准件 50G 网络分析仪校准件 Agilent | 85056D|校准件|网络分析仪校准件|50GHz|2.4mm 品牌: 安捷伦 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP 公司长期回收各类电子仪器仪表,如有闲置,待处理的仪器,欢迎随时来电咨询! 你有闲置仪器要处理吗。处理仪器找《深圳市承恒电子仪器有限公司》诚信回收,互利共赢 诚信,质量为本,服务至诚! 您的满意是我的追求!? --------------------------------------------------------- 高价回收倒闭工厂仪器,整批或单出,专业评估 高价回收工厂闲置仪器,变废为宝帮您资金回笼 高价回收个人处理仪器,全国任意地可物流代收 ----------------------------------------------------------- 专业评估、现金、高价、上门回收进口仪器仪表 主要技术指标 * DC to 50 GHz frequency range * Calibration standards to perform full two-port calibration * Torque wrenches for properly connecting standards * Adapters to change the sex of the test port * Standard definitions on disk for loading into network analyzer * Commercial calibration certificate 主要描述 The Agilent 85056D economy mechanical calibration kit contains precision standard devices to characterize the systematic errors of Agilent network analyzers in the 2.4 mm interface. This kit also contains adapters to change the sex of the test port and a torque wrench for proper connection. Included are standards definitions on disk. Connector gauges may be ordered separately.
联系人 | 彭妮妮 |