价格 | 39.00元 |
品牌 | 广东中护 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 广东中护围栏工程有限公司 |
厂家现货防撞白色隔离防护栏 惠州道路护栏厂家 人行道甲型护栏 Manufacturer's spot anti-collision white isolation guardrail Huizhou road guardrail factory family sidewalk type a guardrail 我们是实体工厂,非贸易商中间商,随时欢迎新老客户来我们工厂考察 所有的护栏都可按照图纸要求定制 厂家直销电话:159-1846-0924 公司简介 中护集团创建于1990年11月,是中国护栏行业的一体化制造企业,集制管与拔丝、配件研发与生产、焊接加工与组装、镀锌与喷涂四个完整的工序与一身,产品涵盖了所有的护栏防护类产品,包括护栏网、锌钢围栏、声屏障、波形护栏、各类丝网产品等八大系列超百种产品。目前集团旗下拥有“中护围栏”“晟成实业”两大知名品牌 欢迎新老客户来厂考察 生产各种市政护栏/道路护栏/人行道栏杆/围墙护栏/车间隔离网/基坑临边护栏/工地围挡/桃型柱护栏网/工厂围墙护栏网/高速公路声屏障/波形板护栏/双圈护栏网/桥梁防抛网/公路防抛落物网/金属钢板网/球形立柱/钢格栅/焊接栅栏等 提供测量与安装服务 厂家直销电话:159-1846-0924 Traffic guardrail: the traffic of motor vehicles, non motor vehicles and pedestrians are separated, and the road is longitudinally separated on the section, so that motor vehicles, non motor vehicles and pedestrians can drive separately, which improves the safety of road traffic and traffic order. Blocking function: the traffic barrier will block bad traffic behavior and block pedestrians or bicycles or motor vehicles trying to cross the road. It requires guardrails to have a certain height, a certain density (referring to vertical bars) and a certain strength. Warning function: the outline on the guardrail shall be concise and clear through installation, and the driver shall pay attention to the existence of guardrail and pedestrians and non motor vehicles, so as to prevent traffic accidents. 厂家现货防撞白色隔离防护栏 惠州道路护栏厂家 人行道甲型护栏 实体厂家从事护栏行业超二十年,10000平方米工业化厂房。
厂家生产 销售一体一手货源,没有中间商,维护商家利益有专门的工程部!
联系人 | 谭经理 |