价格 | 38.00元 |
品牌 | 中护 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 广东中护围栏工程有限公司 |
佛山围栏厂家 公路防眩网价格 菱形孔角钢防抛网规格 Foshan fence manufacturer highway anti glare net price diamond hole angle steel anti throwing net specification 欢迎新老客户来厂考察 本厂从事护栏行业超二十年,10000㎡工业化厂房,厂家生产 销售一体一手货源,没有中间商,维护商家利益有专门的工程部,可提供免费测量及实地安装支持定制,货源稳定,长备10000米现货,定制周期快,3-7天可交货 所有的护栏都可按照图纸要求定制 询价请电话联系:林工 159-1846-0924 规格:高度1.8米*3米一片,带一个折弯。也有1.5米不带折弯的直片。广州道路绿化带护栏网 浸塑铁丝网围栏 1.5米高隔离栅现货 公路两侧护栏网 养殖场围网 广州果园防护网 丝径350#、400#、430#、450#、480#、500#、550#、600#等。具体情况根据客户需求定制。 网孔:9*17(公分)8*16(公分)定制厂区护栏网 湛江景区围栏网 港口防护网 承接工程单 Zinc steel guardrail has problems in rust prevention. The guardrail base material adopts hot-dip galvanized square pipe to fundamentally prevent the base material from rusting, then acid pickling and phosphating, and finally electrostatic spraying. Electrostatic spraying is to spray plastic powder o on the surface. F guardrail. Compared with spray paint, it has brighter color and stronger adhesion, and does not need annual maintenance. It is equivalent to wrapping a layer of plastic on the surface of the fence, which makes the hand feel smoother and more delicate, greatly improves the adhesion of the powder, and C makes the service life of the zinc steel guardrail up to 30 years, which is also the main reason why the zinc guardrail has a long service life. 肇庆角铁边框护栏网 湛江菱形孔防护网 佛山桥梁防抛网场
现货公路防落网 江门桥梁防抛网价格 汕尾钢板防眩网图片
高速桥梁防拋网 惠州公路防眩网厂家 梅州框架菱形孔隔离网
桥梁防抛网价格 佛山菱形防落网 江门高架桥防眩网规格实体厂家从事护栏行业二十多年,10000平方米工业化厂房。
厂家生产 销售一体一手货源,没有中间商,有专门的工程部!
联系人 | 谭经理 |