价格 | 1.00元 |
品牌 | 安捷伦 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 东莞鹏庆电子科技有限公司 |
HP66311B,HP66311B,HP66311B程控电源 东莞市鹏庆电子仪器有限公司 联系方式:陈女士15812893352 陈经理:18002967282(同微) 公司网址:http://www.pq186.com 地址:广东省东莞市塘厦镇花园新街花园中心A座 程控电源66311B/D 编程电源 HP66311B The Agilent 66311B mobile communications dc source provides fast transient, exceptional sourcing, and precision measurement. This product is specially designed for testing digital wireless communications products. The 66311B mobile communications dc source offers a new capability to automatically detect open sense connections. This new feature is an Agilent proprietary technology that helps test engineers avoid improper remote voltage settings and guarantees correct calibration of charger circuitry of the device-under test. 特性 5 A peak current sourcing for next generation data transmission formats Excellent transient voltage response characteristics prevent test interruptions due to triggering low voltage phone shutdown Up to 2.8 A current sinking to test built-in battery chargers Fast transient response, rapid command processing, and high speed output programming time maximize manufacturing test throughput Low power supply output noise assures less interference with phone operations Precision ?A measurement for "sleep mode" characterization Dynamic current pulse measurements for battery loading information Precision voltage measurement for accurate tracking of charger voltage levels Automatically detects open sense wire connections Visualize and characterize current and voltage waveforms (requires 14565A Device Characterization Software) For complete details, click on the Product Overview link 备注: 我们的优势: 品种齐全,货源充足,存库雄厚,服务快捷,维修能力强。 !上门看货!价格好商量!您的满意是我们的追求!^_^ 我公司对销售的仪器仪表均负责保修一年. 本公司*供应/租赁/维修二手进口仪器
联系人 | 陈灵 |